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Thread: Surgery While On A Cycle? Need Advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Question Surgery While On A Cycle? Need Advice

    Hey fellas,

    I'm currently in week 6 of a cycle of SUS 750mg/w with 400MG EQ, 30years old, 2nd cycle…I am scheduled to go in for a deviated septum, which is noise surgery to fix the inner cartilage wall of my noise, I will go under with anesthesia, it's a pretty painful surgery, had it done once before, I should bounce back in a week or two. Does anyone know about going in for surgery while on a cycle? Recommendations or concerns welcome. Should I stop all injections? Or continue with everything?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    South Jersey and HATING I
    You need to let your dr. know that your on! With your blood pressure up they may not even perform the surgery till it's down! Ask your dr.'s advice, explain to him you don't need his critisism on what your doing, but his guidance! Let him know that you know the consequences of doing a cycle and that you just want to make sure you're ok while in surgery.
    Be honest! Are they using gas? or a local? are you out for the surgery?
    I'd stop I don't think it would be good for you to be eating darvaset and sust at the same time! I'm no dr and I don't play one on tv, I'm just guessing it may not be great!

    Good luck bro


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003


    right, i know you tend to bleed a lot more while on AAS, the thing is, the doctor is my roomates dad, no one knows im on AAS, I want to keep it like that. You do go under, on gas then local. I might have to postpone this surgery. thanks for the advice

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Epic
    right, i know you tend to bleed a lot more while on AAS, the thing is, the doctor is my roomates dad, no one knows im on AAS, I want to keep it like that. You do go under, on gas then local. I might have to postpone this surgery. thanks for the advice
    Yeah, because you definitely want to let the Dr. know what your taking in case of any complications! Even though it's your roomates dad, he can't say anything to anyone. I'd be upfront and honest with him.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Probably @ work
    I would postpone the surgery if possible. If you want it sooner than later, stop your cycle, do your pct, and then do surgery. If not, complete your cycle, PCT, and then schedule. If you truly want nobody to know, than I would not tell your doctor, who happens to be your roommate's (which is probably your friend also) dad. Good luck bro, but I would not go into surgery on aas.

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