i'm not the most photogenic in fact i hate taking my picture
but since i'd like to keep track of my progress this time i figured what the he|| i'd post them here
i'm not the most photogenic in fact i hate taking my picture
but since i'd like to keep track of my progress this time i figured what the he|| i'd post them here
the rest
the last
cycle history? looks like gyno in your left pec
1st cycle just Test E - over a year ago
2nd Test C, EQ, Tren- eraly this year and i didnt get to finish due to suposed health issues
so i count booth as poorly done cycles, aka live and learn the hard way
now Just Test E, and Deca for the next 16 weeks, with a kick of Prop at the beginning
BUT.... the gyno i've had since my teens, to be honest i think i gave it to myself.. i remember taking some sort of "test precursor" or something back then some thing called 19-nor-<something> started with an A (or something like that), but if it realy was test then i did this to myself but never knew about it till 8 years later when i really learned about steroids and thier side effects.
i just have to keep it under control really well with nolva and such... hope to have it removed after this cycle sometime in the summer
Last edited by Matrix78; 12-25-2004 at 04:10 PM.
no offense but your not even close to be ready for cycling in my opinion. If i was you i'd take that money and hit up swolecat for his SwoleUp2 program (I believe that is the correct spelling for it?)....
you have MUCH to be gained naturally with diet and lifting.
no offense taken i'm sure you're right and i'm sure i'll hear that alot but... ya know
to each his own....Originally Posted by Matrix78
good luck with your cycle. I'd use letrozole to help with that gyno while on. I have pubertal gyno as well, and letro helps me a lot. Try a low dose like 1mg every day and see how it fairs with you. Up the dose if needed.
thanx for not bustin my balls on when i should cycle and thanx for the advice, already got the letro
nor 19 andro 3 is what i think you took...
that kinda sounds right, i was young had no access to internet and whatever mag i got it out of made it sound good, so now i deal with it's after effectsOriginally Posted by muff-chaser
Yeah bro, w/your gyno issue, I'd be very weary of messing w/gear at all seriously, as you have quite an advanced level of the condition.
Thanks AngelX for the mention, much appreciated.
gear will make ur gyno worse...why not go to the doc and take care of it first with the surgery and afterwards do a cycle.....u have a serious case of gyno there......people think steroids will give them complete makeover transformations regardless of their current condition which is absolutely absurd......
well it never got any worse with the 2 past cycles that i did i had nolva and keep takeing them and it nver got any worse it acttualy got a little better, and with my current job i can not affort to take any time off or shell out $4000 to get it removed not till summer, so i figure keep it under control for now till then and then jsut get it all removed. i've had it forever like i said sinve 17ish i'd say and i've grown so use to it never knowing jsut what it was till last year when i found this place that i'm not self concious of it so it's not to big of a deal for me right now
but i do apreciate everyone concern on the matter and i thank you all for it
Good deal, but you are 150 lbs. as well. Meaning, you've a plethora of progress that could be made naturally to solidify a natural base. Just a suggestion.
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