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Thread: melanotan 2 dose / questions.... thanks a lot!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Orange county, CA

    melanotan 2 dose / questions.... thanks a lot!!

    I just got 10mg of Melanotan 2 in the mail and was dosing it out.... Can you tell me if this is correct?

    2 ml's of vit. b complex to dilute / dissolve it.

    so basically 10mg melanotan = 20iu's of b complex (or 2ml's)

    Now if I wanted .5mg of Melanotan 2 I would have to inject 1iu is that correct?

    Also I'm basically doing .5mg ed for the first week..... Then I was planning on running 1mg for the next week.... see how it works out and then maintain if i'm as tan as i want to be.... or run 1mg for another week ed. Once i'm ready to maintain i'll run .5mg e3d. If anyone cares to chime in here and confirm this is a good way to start running it or let me know a better more efficient way to run it, that'd be great!

    Also i only have 1 10mg vial.... how soon will i need to order more and how much do you think I should get to last me for the rest of the summer...?

    Thanks a lot everyone.. =]

    p.s. Ohhh.. yes... How soon til I notice the increased libido from it? I'm already encountering one from the test.... but will it make it even crazier you think? What other sides will i notice within the first few days.... at .5mg ed?
    Last edited by tripmachine; 04-24-2009 at 03:02 AM.

  2. #2
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    this section of the forum is really slow... unless one of you 18 people have anything helpful to type ????? =P

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    In the Gym, if i could
    depends on your skin type and exposure to sunlight..

    i only run 10mg at a time in the spring, but many will run 30mg, i just don't need to look like i am from south america..

    libedo, i can roll over in bed at night and wake up because i can't turn over..

    that should give you an idea..

    and and i inject at night because of nausea...
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    depends on your skin type and exposure to sunlight..

    i only run 10mg at a time in the spring, but many will run 30mg, i just don't need to look like i am from south america..

    libedo, i can roll over in bed at night and wake up because i can't turn over..

    that should give you an idea..

    and and i inject at night because of nausea...

    cool man, thanks for shootin over here and responding.... appreciate it! So basically depending on my skin type is when I should stop using it..... so basically once I reach the tan I want to achieve I can just maintain e3d? Do you see anything wrong with .5mg first week ed then 1mg second week ed? or should i just run .5mg ed for a few weeks til tan is achieved? Thanks again!

  5. #5
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    Aug 2002
    I ran .5 every day for one week and had a 24 x 7 hard on, it was horrible. Was nauseous 3 out of 7 days. After the first week I ran another week at 1mg ed and then starting on the 3rd week went to 1ml once a week for the summer, worked well, almost too well, but i did develop new spots.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by majorpecs View Post
    I ran .5 every day for one week and had a 24 x 7 hard on, it was horrible. Was nauseous 3 out of 7 days. After the first week I ran another week at 1mg ed and then starting on the 3rd week went to 1ml once a week for the summer, worked well, almost too well, but i did develop new spots.
    hahahaha I don't know if it's in my head.... (actually it can't be!!) I woke up this morning with a crazy increased libido..... and today it's wanting to go up quite a bit more than normally... so that's cool, i hope it doesn't get annoying though. So I think I will do .5mg ed for 7 days then 1mg ed for 7 days....

    you say on the 3rd week you ran 1 ml per week??? what do you mean by that exactly? 1mg ?? Thanks for your help!

  7. #7
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    Jun 2007
    Prob means 1mg a week. I was maintaining it at that aswell. I amd gona start another bottle as its been bout 3 months+ and i am starting to get light :-( I havent used any sunbeds or melaotan since then! Its GREAT stuff!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by skeldno View Post
    Prob means 1mg a week. I was maintaining it at that aswell. I amd gona start another bottle as its been bout 3 months+ and i am starting to get light :-( I havent used any sunbeds or melaotan since then! Its GREAT stuff!
    awesome! thanks for the response.... this makes me want to see peoples before / after pictures..... i'm getting excited about this because i've always had a problem tanning so i resorted to l'oreal 'sublime glow' lotion..... problem with that is it takes 15-20 mins to apply nicely.... then you have to stand or sit infront of a fan til it's dry.. THEN the next morning you have to wash it off otherwise there is glitter all over you...... i learned that the hard way the first time by going to work with glitter all over me and they had in n out cater in our parking lot on a sunny day...... i looked down at my arm and it was soooo glittery. wow that day SUCKED!!!

    Any suggestions on tanning?? I got 20 tanning sessions the other day and don't really know how long to go for.... last night i went and I think i burnt a bit, was in there for 9-12 minutes (not sure exactly)

  9. #9
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    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by tripmachine View Post
    I just got 10mg of Melanotan 2 in the mail and was dosing it out.... Can you tell me if this is correct?

    2 ml's of vit. b complex to dilute / dissolve it.

    so basically 10mg melanotan = 20iu's of b complex (or 2ml's)

    Now if I wanted .5mg of Melanotan 2 I would have to inject 1iu is that correct?

    no, most insulin syringes break 1mL downinto 100IU, so if you reconstituted with 2mL then 20IU=1mg, 10IU =0.5mg
    Also I'm basically doing .5mg ed for the first week..... Then I was planning on running 1mg for the next week.... see how it works out and then maintain if i'm as tan as i want to be.... or run 1mg for another week ed. Once i'm ready to maintain i'll run .5mg e3d. If anyone cares to chime in here and confirm this is a good way to start running it or let me know a better more efficient way to run it, that'd be great!

    Also i only have 1 10mg vial.... how soon will i need to order more and how much do you think I should get to last me for the rest of the summer...?

    Thanks a lot everyone.. =]

    i would order another 20-30mg ASAP, i'm shooting 1mg a day so that means that vial would only last me 10 days, though i ordered 60mg so i'm good for a while, the stuff will keep unconstituted in the fridge for at least 12 months

    p.s. Ohhh.. yes... How soon til I notice the increased libido from it? I'm already encountering one from the test.... but will it make it even crazier you think? What other sides will i notice within the first few days.... at .5mg ed?
    Quote Originally Posted by tripmachine View Post
    awesome! thanks for the response.... this makes me want to see peoples before / after pictures..... i'm getting excited about this because i've always had a problem tanning so i resorted to l'oreal 'sublime glow' lotion..... problem with that is it takes 15-20 mins to apply nicely.... then you have to stand or sit infront of a fan til it's dry.. THEN the next morning you have to wash it off otherwise there is glitter all over you...... i learned that the hard way the first time by going to work with glitter all over me and they had in n out cater in our parking lot on a sunny day...... i looked down at my arm and it was soooo glittery. wow that day SUCKED!!!

    Any suggestions on tanning?? I got 20 tanning sessions the other day and don't really know how long to go for.... last night i went and I think i burnt a bit, was in there for 9-12 minutes (not sure exactly)
    personally i would have bought minutes instead of tanning sessions, you'll get alot more for your money, i would only go for 5-8 minutes, i stay around 8, when i did 10 i started to burn

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    personally i would have bought minutes instead of tanning sessions, you'll get alot more for your money, i would only go for 5-8 minutes, i stay around 8, when i did 10 i started to burn
    I actually know someone at 24 hour fitness that gave me 20 sessions for free..... the buddy hook up... ;p so that works out well for me.

    Also the syringes I have are 29g and basically 1cc = 10iu's (maybe it's not iu's but it counts up to 10... i'll have to go home and check them again) so basically i filled up two of the syringes with b complex and mixed with the melanotan.... so that means there was 2 ml's mixed.... so pulling 1 ml or 10 iu's (if they are iu's) would be 5mg right? so pulling 1iu or to the 1 mark should be .5mg I think I have that part down..... i figured it's just some basic math and if i feel confident with my math I think i'm good... but I will order 3 more bottles asap.... :] can't wait! thanks for your help and response!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by tripmachine View Post
    I actually know someone at 24 hour fitness that gave me 20 sessions for free..... the buddy hook up... ;p so that works out well for me.

    Also the syringes I have are 29g and basically 1cc = 10iu's (maybe it's not iu's but it counts up to 10... i'll have to go home and check them again) so basically i filled up two of the syringes with b complex and mixed with the melanotan.... so that means there was 2 ml's mixed.... so pulling 1 ml or 10 iu's (if they are iu's) would be 5mg right? so pulling 1iu or to the 1 mark should be .5mg I think I have that part down..... i figured it's just some basic math and if i feel confident with my math I think i'm good... but I will order 3 more bottles asap.... :] can't wait! thanks for your help and response!
    your math is right assuming it's 10IU=1mL, but i think it's measured in .1mL, either way, your math is right

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    your math is right assuming it's 10IU=1mL, but i think it's measured in .1mL, either way, your math is right
    ok cool... thanks for easing my mind... and thanks for your tips and advice as well!! This has got to be the funnest hobby ever.... i love this board!

  13. #13
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    oh yeah... do i have to keep this in the fridge before and after it's been mixed??

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by tripmachine View Post
    oh yeah... do i have to keep this in the fridge before and after it's been mixed??
    that's best, most peptides do better in colder environments for preservation

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    that's best, most peptides do better in colder environments for preservation
    awesome.... i think all my questions have been answered..... thanks a lot!!!

  16. #16
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    I have one more question about MT2... the guys in my family have vitiligo....some worse than others... I have it the least but do have small cases of it on the under part of my forearms.... does anyone know what MT2 will do for vitiligo??? or will it do anything? I guess if no one has any idea, I am the test dummy on that.... so i can keep people informed

  17. #17
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    bumpity.... anyone have any clue on this ^ ? I'm guessing that the vitiligo will just remain and maybe not look as white? or maybe it'll look even more white since other parts of me will tan.... Will the white (vitiligo) spots tan with MT2 being used do you think?

  18. #18
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    MT2 shouldn't do anything for the vitiligo since vitiligo is a malfuction of the actual melanocyte which MT2 is trying to stimulate

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    MT2 shouldn't do anything for the vitiligo since vitiligo is a malfuction of the actual melanocyte which MT2 is trying to stimulate
    ahhh ok cool... thanks again for being on top of responding to my questions!! you're awesome! I got my first compliment today at the gym actually by a buddy.... he was like 'dood you're looking pretty tan' I've been on MT2 since Thursday of last week at 0.5mg for 4 days.... then last night i bumped it to 1mg and i'll keep it at 1mg til i achieve the tan I want... It's awesome!!!! and the boners are insane! =P

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