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Thread: Has anyone tried Legal gears gel form of m1t yet??

  1. #1

    Has anyone tried Legal gears gel form of m1t yet??

    I was wondering if anyone of you guys have tried Legal gears gel caped m1t? im wondering if its any better then the regular old tablet form. Thinking about trying this. Im into my 19th day of underground labs m1t and my results have been amazing so far, except for a small case of possible gyno (pecs becoming pointy) but im now using b6 and nolva until my pct. Any ways, i was just wondering.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    It's all the same brother. The only advantage the gel caps have over the tabs are that they have a longer shelf-life meaning they will last longer.

  3. #3
    ok thx for the reply, guess ill give legal gear a try then.

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