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Thread: Getting Into Boxing...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Getting Into Boxing...

    Hey guys i am 19 years old and really thinking about getting into boxing....I really want to get seariouse with it i am about to join this boxing club but my ?? is is there trainers there to work one on one with you and also do you think i am to old to start liek it is to late to get real good.I think i would be pretty good at boxing i love to fight really do i know it sounds weird btu i do lol....I am 5,10 190 pounds 16 percent body fat do you think i am to short to start boxing???thanx guys...

  2. #2
    There is no way to know if there are trainers in there that will work one on one with you unless you go in and ask, every gym is different. Some gyms have trainers in there but it is very hard to get them to work with you unless they think they can make a great fighter out of you and some the trainers will work with you alot. Some gyms have classes where they will have a few or more students all training at specific times together. It's really gym specific.

    As for your weight and height are you 190 naturaly or do you struggle to keep that weight and gain. In boxing most fighters are trying to get to the lowest possible weight they can and still have power, so if your having a hard time hitting or staying at 190lbs you will be fighting some one who is naturaly bigger and probbaly struggling to get down to 190. In boxing the goal is to be as light and powerful as possible. For me I am 5'10"-5'11" and I fight @ 165. I used to weigh 195 and cutt way down to compete. If you want to compete in Boxing, you can't lift like a bodybuilder and try to be as heavy as possible, Its one or the other. There are few people who can pull that off and they are usaually geneticly bigger people to begin with.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    i am 190 naturally and i have never tryed to loose weight so i know i could drop to about 175 ....

  4. #4
    As long as your willing to do what it takes, go for it. Go in to the gym and see what their all about. Tell them what your goals and go from there. For more info also check out

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Where are you located? I think to start boxing at the age of 18 is perfect. Look for a gym that has entered fighters in the local amateur competitions such as golden gloves, PAL, USA boxing.

    You can call your local USA Boxing(sanctioning amateur boxing assoc in the USA) chapter and see if they recommend any gyms in your area. They will know the gyms with trainers who are willing to work with you and give you a solid foundation in the amateurs before moving on if that is your ultimate plan. Or call whoever supports the local golden gloves (in chicago it was a newpaper I think)

    Get your eyes checked out regularly by an opthamologist not an optometrist. Start running.

    Good luck.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Most caoches will want you to get down as low as possible and not want you looking "bulky". I was 6'2" and they wanted me to fight at 165 which was not a problem when I was young with a faster metabolism.

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