I love the fact that I force myself to eat 8 times a day even tho it makes me want to puke.
I love the fact that all the people around me at work think Im going to get fat cause I eat every 2 hours.![]()
I love the guy at my job thats about 47% body fat and walks around telling people that his diet of eating all vegetables works and making believe he knows what the fcuk hes talking about. FAT FCUK
I love that the gym is finally getting clear of those unmotivated jerk-offs that made new years resolutions and cant keep them.... weak minded MF's taking up my space in the gym not rackign their wieghts and ****. DOnt Bother starting somethign you wont finish.
I love that the people that say I eat too much eat burger king, Mc donalds and wendy's every day for breakfast and lunch.
Add the things you love as you see fit......
I'll have more to vent about in a few.