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Thread: I cant decide

  1. #1

    I cant decide

    If for my first cycle i want to go with test e, or test prop. I've spent about 5 months coming to this board everyday reading anything i can to help me.
    I'm 24 yrs old 6'4" 235 bf 15% my goal is to get about 260 w/ 7-8%bf. I gotta pick some mass up, which test will do, but i really dont want the water retention.

    How bad is the retention with test-e, of course i would be taking anti-e as well , and would i be able to put on the same amount of body weight w/test prop. I realize prop would be an every day injection, which sucks, but the bloated look is not something im going for. Help me decide prop or E

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    ull have tha bloated look while ur on, not when ur off, i dont really notice tha bloated look, eveyrone jus tells me im gettin bigger, they dont say ur lookin fatter, but i like test e, not really up for everyday injections either

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Because it is your first cycle I would advise the test E. I think that injections are something that everyone needs time to adjust to and with proper diet and anti-e consumption you will see little water retention. You have a very ambitious goal so you will need to have you diet and workout perfected if you expect to make it. The test is only going to take you so far. Best of luck and let us know how it is going.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Southern Cali
    I agree with the Test Ethanate. You will not experience much of a bloat as long as you are taking an AI. On my first cycle I ate like a pig, worked hard as hell, planned out my diet ahead of time, and slept a whole lot every night. As a result I kept 27lbs from it. I think your goal is ambitious, however it may be possible. It will be your diet and determination that will make or break your goals.

    Good Luck.

  5. #5
    thanks for the info so far. My diet has been clean for months now , i used to weigh 260 lbs, with 22%bf, then i decided to cut naturally all i did was low calories and cardio, got all the way down to 220, now im back to around 235 eating 5000 cal. a day, get at least 400 g protein. Like somebody told me along time ago, lifting weights is the easy part, its the eating right and resting thats tough.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    At The Squat Rack
    Like Def said

    Test Enanthate and an Aromatise Inhibitor will give you size without the bloat

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