so this guy i know is getting piss tested this week for a demostic dispute thing. Anyway he tells me that everyone who was involved in the arrest and such, all commented on how big he was. i guess the judge told him no drinking or any other drugs of any kinda that he may be taking cause he is being tested this friday. Now he's flipping out about it and thinks he's gonna get poped cause of his gear. I told him he had very little to worry about cause it costs so much to test for it. I tried getting out of him what kind of test it was (8, 12 panel etc.) he said all the paper said was PTS test... i'm assuming it was for reqs, anyone have anything similiar like this happen to them or know what kind of test it's gonna be so i can somewhat reassure him. I told him worse comes to worse he can get some kind of cleanse and ask for a retest if it is possitive....
thanks bros