Hey guys Received these today. Anyone use or seen them before? Real or fake?
Hey guys Received these today. Anyone use or seen them before? Real or fake?
very real , i use the same ones , see my pics![]()
hey bro, I just got my gear today same exaaaaaact ones you got. took my first shot yesterday . these are reeeeeeaaaaaal.
good luck
WHAT'S up Bronski.
hey I was just wondering how your sus250 is going have you used it yet do you have a lot of pain in the injection site. I do. also have you felt anything on it like the "kick" please let me know bro i took my first shot a couple days ago.
Yea, they do hurt. Some alot more then others. I've been mixing with DECA to dilute the sust. Then i get no pain. I haven't noticed any "kick". This is also my first cycle. I have gainned alot of weight(20lbs) and strength, but alot of it is water and fat, too. I'm going into my 4 week and still not sure if all the stuff i have is real. I have NO side affects. Which is great, but something minor would be reassuring.
Same stuff... After 2 1/2 weeks and 3 shots (750 mgs) I was starting to wonder if it was real also... 1st time doing a cycle so don't know what to expect.. maybe I am just overtraining.. I did step up my workout big time thinking it would increase the gains..
Anyway I weigh about 4 lbs more than what I did when I started but I think my BF% has gone up too..
guess I should have taken pictures that would have been the best way to tell...
The best sust money can buy!
I'm not sure these are real. Can someone explain the 4 tests shown on the label? They dont look right, even in another language? What is alcool? Alcohol? Shouldn't there be 100mg of undecanoate?
I been taking this stuff(500 mg/week) for about 7/8 weeks with Deca and DBOL. The DBOL worked Great but as soon as i stopped the DBOL after week 5, the gains stopped and i have regressed a bit since.
These are Portugese Sustanons, I bought the same ones during my holliday's there a year ago. All esters together make 250 mg 30/60/60/100 Alcool Benzilico is just portugese for BA.
.and the boxes old/new (new carries the R from registrated)
So the the 4th test is 100mg of BA? It should be 100mg of decoanate.
Sust 250 should contain:
Testosterone propionate 30 mg,
Testosterone phenylpropionate 60mg,
Testosterone isocaporate 60 mg,
Testosterone decanoate 100 mg
This amp has:
fenilpropionate 30mg...........the propionate or phenylpropionate?
iscaproato 60mg.................the isocaporate.
caproato 60mg...................dont know.
alcool 100mg......................Alcool Benzilico
then the last line says benzillco.........1ml. If the alchool is BA then why is this here?
The whole label doesn't make sense. Even for portugeese.
Please read the label right, it says:
- Cade mi contem (contains the following):
- proprionato de testeosterone 30 mg = testosterone propionate 30 mg
- fenilpropionato de testosterone 60 mg = testosterone phenylpropionate 60 mg
- isocaproato de testosterone 60 mg = testosterone isocaporate 60 mg
- caprato de testosterone 100 mg = testosterone decaonate 100 mg
- alcool benzillico 0.1 ml = 0.1 ml benzyl alcohol
- velculo oleoso qa 1 ml = in an oil based vehicle making 1 mL
Additionally, I know personally of other individuals who have used this gear w/o stacking and gotten excellent results.
This is the only answer possible. Good job.
now my sust amps have rounded edges and i got them tested and tyhey are real people say they makes them fake!!
>now my sust amps have rounded edges and i got >them tested and tyhey are real people say they >makes them fake!!
that interests me as well..-
Hey man, I just got the exact same ones. I've seen the ones with the rounded edges, those are real too.
We've been through this a lotta times, and I ordered a few amps with rounded corners, a member told me where. take a good close look, at the oil too, and then tell me again they are real...and happy shootin'
For those that didn't understand a real one in comparison on the left.
I just purchase 20 amps of Sustanon. It Has N.V Oss Holanda on the amp. But it also has rounded edges and the label is easy to peel off. It also has a period after the ml. on the top of the amp. I have had sust before with Holanda on it and It had square corners and it had a period after the (ml)
it was also thicker than the amps i just recieved.
IS this real or fake?
Is there real Organon Oss Sust from Holanda with rounded edges?
I have had the one with square edges and I know it is real, someone please help me my situation...............
***No reason to post a pic b/c it looks like all the other Portugese Sust. on here except for the small details I have listed above....
Thanks for helping!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by Scott34; 03-04-2004 at 07:52 PM.
hi, i´m portuguese and i can assure you the sustenon is 100% real. I buy exactly the same in official drugstores here in portugal. Take care
100% ligit.
Has anybody noticed anything with those sust amps I am on the same ones for 4 weeks now at 750mg a week and I have nothing to brag about!
another (newer) comparison pic, and I don't buy 'm at seven-eleven
Last edited by Seajackal; 12-10-2005 at 04:11 AM.
What do you guys think of these?
I ordered them from out of the country, I have made many orders from them before and they were all real. But this is the first oil I have ever ordered and I may just be nervous cause of that but I'm afraid they are fakes.
My thread with pics.
Last edited by Chris_ATV; 06-07-2004 at 05:46 PM.
Bronski, they are the ones I have. I've been stacking them with 25 mg of Russian d-bol ED and 200 mg of Deca EW, am now at the start of the third week of my cycle. My size has increased a great deal, am now getting a bit of that "small head" look, my strength has gone up, in the last two weeks I have added 5kg to the bar each time I have gone for preacher curls (3 times in two weeks) pushing out at least four reps with the new weight each time. My muscles are hard as hell all over! I don't know what is having the effect, but something is working. In the doses I have been at so far I would guess that it is everything combined (I have so far only had one amp a week of the sustenon but am going up to two amps this week). I haven't, however, experienced the "kick" off of this cycle at all, in fact feeling a little, only a little (!), sluggish at times.
I've also (just this morning) noticed a bit of discomfort in my left testicle, and it is down to the size of a large olive! I'm a little worried, but gonna keep going and hope that this is normal!
Good luck!
Last edited by Bouncer272001; 06-15-2004 at 01:12 PM.
I have the same and didn't see anything in the beginning, but I have gained about 5lbs in my 4th week now. First cycle.
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