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here goes one, true story!!! It was Xmas 2 years ago. I was living w/ my dad, we were renting this cabin up in the mountains. Now my mom and him are still married, but my mom was up in NY getting the house ready to sell, and my dad moved down south to start this new job. Well, I had met this girl in SC, I was living in NC at the time. So I was staying w/ her, but still had my shit at my dads place up in NC. So my mom and 2 brothers come down here for XMAS, and we all had Xmas in this little cabin. Well we went to watch a Xmas movie together, I turned on the VCR. Well on some VCR's as soon as you hit power it automatically starts to play. My old man left a porn in there(one of my f'in porns he found in my closet while I was gone!!!!) and up on the TV screen comes some dude railing this chick. I started yelling at my dad "Why'd you leave this in there?" He kept saying "I didnt, I didnt ,its yours!!!" f'in liar, I wasnt even living there for the past few weeks.