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I'm assuming you're taking Test Enanthate since ARL has E at 250mg/mL and cyp at 200mg/mL, and you are taking 500mg/2cc per week. How long have you been using it? You may not see noticable results or feel its effects for a full month b/c of the LONG haf-life of Enanthate.
Lige gsxxr said, post a pic if possible, if not describe what it looks like. You can also do the freezer test (do a search) to see if its legit.
I also have the Test E from ARL labs, I haven't started taking it yet but it looks legit from the pictures that've been posted on some of the boards. I'll be able to let you know in another month or so at the earliest.
I found a recent pic of some ARL vials--the TEST E on the right side is what yours should look like (mine does, except my exp date is 06/08 instead of 06/07 and is a 40ml bottle vs. 10ml)and it is good stuff according to almost everyone who has used it.