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Thread: I Just Got Test Please Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    I Just Got Test Please Help

    hey guys i just got some test i wanted to know is there any way that you can tell if the gear isnt legit becasue i feel a little results but i dont no if thats just from still training hard or its jsut mentally so if you guys could give me an explination that would be great how i should feel ? its Aries Labatories and i take 2 cc's a week 500 mg

    thanks alot guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    post a pic of it.

  3. #3
    I'm assuming you're taking Test Enanthate since ARL has E at 250mg/mL and cyp at 200mg/mL, and you are taking 500mg/2cc per week. How long have you been using it? You may not see noticable results or feel its effects for a full month b/c of the LONG haf-life of Enanthate.

    Lige gsxxr said, post a pic if possible, if not describe what it looks like. You can also do the freezer test (do a search) to see if its legit.

    I also have the Test E from ARL labs, I haven't started taking it yet but it looks legit from the pictures that've been posted on some of the boards. I'll be able to let you know in another month or so at the earliest.

    I found a recent pic of some ARL vials--the TEST E on the right side is what yours should look like (mine does, except my exp date is 06/08 instead of 06/07 and is a 40ml bottle vs. 10ml)and it is good stuff according to almost everyone who has used it.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ARL.jpg 
Views:	726 
Size:	18.3 KB 
ID:	60384  
    Last edited by screwbol; 12-26-2005 at 05:41 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by screwbol
    I'm assuming you're taking Test Enanthate since ARL has E at 250mg/mL and cyp at 200mg/mL, and you are taking 500mg/2cc per week. How long have you been using it? You may not see noticable results or feel its effects for a full month b/c of the LONG haf-life of Enanthate.

    Lige gsxxr said, post a pic if possible, if not describe what it looks like. You can also do the freezer test (do a search) to see if its legit.

    I also have the Test E from ARL labs, I haven't started taking it yet but it looks legit from the pictures that've been posted on some of the boards. I'll be able to let you know in another month or so at the earliest.

    I found a recent pic of some ARL vials--the TEST E on the right side is what yours should look like (mine does, except my exp date is 06/08 instead of 06/07 and is a 40ml bottle vs. 10ml)and it is good stuff according to almost everyone who has used it.



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    500 a week is perfect. Good product, but you won't notice gains untill it kicks in. Might take a couple of weeks for it to though.

  6. #6
    if you're not horny and swoll in a month or so it's fake. also if a ug lab is a reputable lab, you usually won't have to worry about fake gear. most widely counterfeited drugs are human grade.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by PaulieM.
    if you're not horny and swoll in a month or so it's fake. also if a ug lab is a reputable lab, you usually won't have to worry about fake gear. most widely counterfeited drugs are human grade.
    That isn't true. It all depends on dose and the individual's experience/body chemistry. 500mg is the minimum dose for noticable effects, IMO, so unless this is one of his first cycles it may take awhile for him to feel it "kicking" in. I've got plenty of experience and the nutrivet test cyp I started my cycle with took 5-and-a-half weeks before I noticed anything. Anyone whose used NV Ultra Cyp 250 knows and will tell you it is actually closer to 300mg/ml, and is very real. I've been pinning 3ml per week throughout the cycle, which was well above 750mg. Both Nutrivet and ARL are reputable UG labs, I've never heard otherwise.

    A few days after the 5 1/2 week mark I started gaining TONS of strength, was horny as hell, and had a constant pump. Last week I switched over to the ARL test E and gains are continuing to come on strong. I'm taking 3.5mL per week (875mg) and it is comparable to the NV Ultra Cyp at 3mL/wk.

    The ARL stuff is A+ legit. Pain-free and clean, too. Hell, even their prop that I have is painless (that is a miracle). My boy used it at the beginning of his cycle in Oct and refused to beleive it was real until he got some moon face and about 5lbs of weight gain after the first week because it had no sting to it. I'm looking forward to tapering off with the ARL prop at the end of my cycle.

    Conclusion--as long as you got the aries labs stuff from the right guy it is very high quality and properly dosed.

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