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Thread: BF% Help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    BF% Help!

    I recently had my body fat tested w calipers and it came out to be 8.9! Thats rediculous to me!! I feel like 18.9! Does that make sense!! I recently gained 4 pounds sitting on my butt!!

    This is what the guy wrote on paper:


    Is that all proportional? Cuz that means i gotta work on my abs!! Just thought it was wierd cuz at H.S last year i was at 13 but we used an electronic thing.
    Any body have way better BF than expected?

  2. #2
    umm I think that's off try this link/calculator

    I'm roughly at 4mm for pec, 20 for abs, 6 for quad.
    6-4 at 238lbs

    it says I'm 8.18% but thats not right I know I'm higher because my abs arne't that easily seen.

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