i need some advice from the pros here, ive been workn out hard for about 1 1/2 to 2 years now and have since hit a brick wall, I CANT GET BIG!!! i got some pheraplex comin in the mail and have some m1t for the spring but besides that i know im not doing something right. I superset EVERYTHING number one, main reason being cause i started off doing calesthetics so im used to a fast pace workout. But this is what i do...
1/2 hour Eliptical or Treadmill
Flat Bench Bar Press- 1 warm up set, 4 sets 6-10 ~ superset with
ButterFlies- 5 sets, 6-10
Incline Dumbell Press- 5 sets, 6-10 ~ superset with
Decline Bar Press- 5 sets, 6-10
1/2 hour Cardio
Superset Side and Front lateral dumbell raises- 5 sets, 8-12 each ~ superset with..
Military Press- 5 sets, 8-12
Shrugs- 5 sets, heavy 4-8
Day 3
1/2 hour Cardio
Lat Pull Down- 5 sets, 8-12 ~ superset with
Pull Ups, 5 sets, 10-15
Seated Row- 5 sets, 8-12 ~ superset with
Bent Over Dumbell Row- 5 sets, heavy 6-10
Day 4
1/2 hour Cardio
Legs and Tri's
Squats- 5 sets, 8-12 ~ superset with
Tri Pull downs- 5 sets, 8-12
Leg Curls- 5 sets, 8-12 ~ superset with
Tricep Kickbacks- 5 sets 8-12
Leg Extension- 5 sets, 8-12 ~ superset with
Tricep overhead extensions- 5 sets, 8-12
Day 5 OFF!!!
Day 6
1/2 hour cardio and abs
Day 7 OFF!!!
My diet is decent, not the best prob rate it about a 6.5 - 7, and sleepwise i get about 7 hours of sleep on average. Weird thing is i use to be outta shape, kinda chubby and this routine got me lookn like on the link. But now i cant put on muscle for shiaatt. I want to slim up a bit but i wont look right unless i can put on about another 10-15lbs of muscle first. Than afterwards ill lift just to maintain and keep everything proportioned. I dont want to get HUGE, but i do want to get borderline ripped/slightly big. Anyone see anything wrong here??
this is what i look like now..http://forums.steroid.com/showthread.php?t=216361