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Thread: I need some pros to review my routine here

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey

    I need some pros to review my routine here

    i need some advice from the pros here, ive been workn out hard for about 1 1/2 to 2 years now and have since hit a brick wall, I CANT GET BIG!!! i got some pheraplex comin in the mail and have some m1t for the spring but besides that i know im not doing something right. I superset EVERYTHING number one, main reason being cause i started off doing calesthetics so im used to a fast pace workout. But this is what i do...

    DAY 1
    1/2 hour Eliptical or Treadmill
    Flat Bench Bar Press- 1 warm up set, 4 sets 6-10 ~ superset with
    ButterFlies- 5 sets, 6-10
    Incline Dumbell Press- 5 sets, 6-10 ~ superset with
    Decline Bar Press- 5 sets, 6-10

    DAY 2

    1/2 hour Cardio
    Superset Side and Front lateral dumbell raises- 5 sets, 8-12 each ~ superset with..
    Military Press- 5 sets, 8-12
    Shrugs- 5 sets, heavy 4-8

    Day 3

    1/2 hour Cardio
    Lat Pull Down- 5 sets, 8-12 ~ superset with
    Pull Ups, 5 sets, 10-15
    Seated Row- 5 sets, 8-12 ~ superset with
    Bent Over Dumbell Row- 5 sets, heavy 6-10

    Day 4

    1/2 hour Cardio
    Legs and Tri's
    Squats- 5 sets, 8-12 ~ superset with
    Tri Pull downs- 5 sets, 8-12
    Leg Curls- 5 sets, 8-12 ~ superset with
    Tricep Kickbacks- 5 sets 8-12
    Leg Extension- 5 sets, 8-12 ~ superset with
    Tricep overhead extensions- 5 sets, 8-12

    Day 5 OFF!!!
    Day 6
    1/2 hour cardio and abs
    Day 7 OFF!!!

    My diet is decent, not the best prob rate it about a 6.5 - 7, and sleepwise i get about 7 hours of sleep on average. Weird thing is i use to be outta shape, kinda chubby and this routine got me lookn like on the link. But now i cant put on muscle for shiaatt. I want to slim up a bit but i wont look right unless i can put on about another 10-15lbs of muscle first. Than afterwards ill lift just to maintain and keep everything proportioned. I dont want to get HUGE, but i do want to get borderline ripped/slightly big. Anyone see anything wrong here??

    this is what i look like now..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    IMO you're grossly over training.

    19 sets for chest is way to much.Insane!

    20 sets for back is insane.Plus you have over lapping exercises in your back routine.

    15 sets for tris?Ouch!And kick backs have to be the worst exercise ever for building mass.

    No Bi's?Explains no growth there


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    well im no pro but my advice is try not supersetting if youve been supersetting everything for that long id say its time to change up your routine... ive also heard that supersetting is for going through plateaus and at one point i dont remember where but they shouldnt be used all the time.. IMO just try changin up your routine a bit and drop the supersets and try more rest in between your sets

    my .02

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Steel City Ontario
    For Mass maybe try something like this. It was written by a strength coach named Ian King.


    Flat Bench
    10 reps @ 30% * * denotes warm-up
    8 reps @ 60% *
    6 reps @ 80% *
    4 reps
    3 reps
    2 reps
    4 negative reps 25% heavier than max
    15 reps

    Close Grip Rows

    Same Rep scheme

    Close Grip Bench

    3*10 reps



    Same as above however the second set of 4 is not negatives. They just have to be heavier than the first set of 4.


    Same as above

    Calve Raises



    Military Press

    Same as bench

    Wide Grip Pulldowns/ Pullups

    Same as above

    Barbell Curls


    I would also maybe keep cardio to a minium or atleast make sure you are 65% HR.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    ahhhh!!! im retarded... bis on day three with back 20 sets
    ez bar curls 5~superset with
    dumbell curls 5, than
    preachers 5 ~ superset with
    hammer curls... cant believe i forgot the most important!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    ahhhh!!! im retarded... bis on day three with back 20 sets
    ez bar curls 5~superset with
    dumbell curls 5, than
    preachers 5 ~ superset with
    hammer curls... cant believe i forgot the most important!!!
    You're grossly over training Bi's also.You really need to get a better program together.The one you posted is bad(I'm being kind )

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    There are many problems with your routine. I would try the template that Canadiantiger posted.

    Your routine is off, so I am sure your diet is. Read alot, it is a lot easier to know how to construct a diet and workout than to ask for one.

    Why are you doing so mcuh cardio....I would not do any at all...if you have to do it, try doing it after your workout.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    Quote Originally Posted by Canadiantiger
    For Mass maybe try something like this. It was written by a strength coach named Ian King.


    Flat Bench
    10 reps @ 30% * * denotes warm-up
    8 reps @ 60% *
    6 reps @ 80% *
    4 reps
    3 reps
    2 reps
    4 negative reps 25% heavier than max
    15 reps

    Close Grip Rows

    Same Rep scheme

    Close Grip Bench

    3*10 reps



    Same as above however the second set of 4 is not negatives. They just have to be heavier than the first set of 4.


    Same as above

    Calve Raises



    Military Press

    Same as bench

    Wide Grip Pulldowns/ Pullups

    Same as above

    Barbell Curls


    I would also maybe keep cardio to a minium or atleast make sure you are 65% HR.
    thanks a lot tiger i know somethings wrong with my workout cause my bodies not changing anymore, i do all the cardio mainly cause a lot of people dont like doing cardio but i actually dont mind it at all, i love running. But yeh im def changing my routine without a doubt, its been a couple years so it only makes sense, i just wanna make sure i structure the best possible routine i can and thanks guys i appreciate the help

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Steel City Ontario
    No Problem let us know how things go. I also notice that you don't rate your diet very well this is probably 70% of growth. IMO sort diet out and change workout to lower volume and high intensity and gains will come.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69

    DAY 1
    1/2 hour Eliptical or Treadmill

    Flat Bench Bar Press- 1 warm up set, 4 sets 6-10 ~ superset with
    ButterFlies- 5 sets, 6-10
    Incline Dumbell Press- 5 sets, 6-10 ~ superset with
    Decline Bar Press- 5 sets, 6-10
    You do cardio prior to lifting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    My diet is decent, not the best prob rate it about a 6.5 - 7
    Fix that...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    I dont want to get HUGE, but i do want to get borderline ripped/slightly big. Anyone see anything wrong here??
    Change that midset... You're not going to get 'huge' overnight.. but you're gonna have to put in the work (the same as if you were trying to get 'huge') if you plan on putting on that 10-15 lbs of muscle.

    Stop limiting yourself by setting up that mental barrier.


    If you're doing cardio prior to lifting, cut it out! Ease up on the volume.. cut down on the supersets (supersets are considered an 'advanced' technique.. as they increase the intensity of each set... tru increasing the muscle's time-under-tension. Overuse of 'advanced' techniques will lead to over-training in the majority of trainees).. fix the diet.. and adjust your bodybuilding mindset.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    You do cardio prior to lifting?

    Fix that...

    Change that midset... You're not going to get 'huge' overnight.. but you're gonna have to put in the work (the same as if you were trying to get 'huge') if you plan on putting on that 10-15 lbs of muscle.

    Stop limiting yourself by setting up that mental barrier.


    If you're doing cardio prior to lifting, cut it out! Ease up on the volume.. cut down on the supersets (supersets are considered an 'advanced' technique.. as they increase the intensity of each set... tru increasing the muscle's time-under-tension. Overuse of 'advanced' techniques will lead to over-training in the majority of trainees).. fix the diet.. and adjust your bodybuilding mindset.

    Never really saw it as limiting myself but i guess thats exactly what it is, k so im extracting cardio to two seperate hard cardio days instead of 5, im gonna cut out the supersets completely just as a test for a few months to see how my body responds, the diet indeed needs work, im actually considering preparing my food weekly and storing it in tubberware containers so i can eat less more frequently and more of the right kind of food. Im gonna dedicate a day just for preparing my meals through out the week. In regards to the actual routine im still doing some research before i finalize what seems best. But thanks a lot guys, i consider myself a pretty motivated person but i never thought some website could motivate me this much. ill keep ya posted!!!

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