how much difference do u guys notice in its androgenic and anabolic properties ,,,also after how many cycles did u up the 500 dose to a 750 ,,peace
how much difference do u guys notice in its androgenic and anabolic properties ,,,also after how many cycles did u up the 500 dose to a 750 ,,peace
I run 800mg per week w/ 500mg tren and 300 mg deca and found it to be the best cycle I've done strength and shape wise. It was a six week run and the gains were great
more is better when it comes to steroids acctually
bad policy. take the least amount needed. I go w/ 1:1 as a rule of thumb. noticeOriginally Posted by karln
800mg = 500mg + 300mg
test tren deca
This is my first cycle and I am only doing 250 a week for 10 weeks
a good begiiner cycle is 500mg a week for 10 to 12 weeks
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500mgs a week is plenty for a beginner, i've done a few cycles and i still only have 500-750mgs a week
how many cycles have u done and is there a big difference in their anabolic and androgenic properties ,,,Originally Posted by sbeast007
116 views and only 9 or 10 replies ,,come on guys
False, False, False! 500mg is plenty.Originally Posted by karln
bro it all depends on your goals. IMO others will disagree and also depending on side effect you experience ide use nothing less then 500mg of test EW and i kept it @ 750 EW of test E for my first cycle. but test e was the only compound used. so if your goin to use others ide say stay @ 500mg ew for the test and add your other compounds. and plain and simple the more gear you take the moe gains you get, there should be no controversy there.
what about the androgenic sides ,,is there a big jump in sides or just a slight one ,,Originally Posted by dirtyvegas
it really depends on the individual, your gonna have to take the leap for yourself to answer that, but yes more gear you use the more sides you get.
I experienced no sides what so ever for my cycles no acne no sleeping dissorders no appetite loss i actually have sleeping problems before i ever started using steroids then when i started test E i slept like a baby everynight then after few weeks i was off i have trouble sleeping again... was 100% successfull 30lb of solid muscle.
in order to have a successfull cycle there needs to be alot of planning and research .i read boook after book after forum after forum i reccommend this to everyone.!
500 mg test e ew for 12 weeks good cycle
1st week frontload .
min 500mg a week anything less is a waste.
if you dont seem to grow off 500 mg bump; to 750mg .
exactly what im trying to say. and this is exactly what I did.!Originally Posted by yom
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