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Thread: testosterona 200

  1. #1

    Question testosterona 200

    I just started on my first cycle with testosterona 200 so im on my first week and found out that i have to drug test for the fire dept. do you think it will come up?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    no they prob do not test for AAS since the test is so expensive....they most likely test for narcotics

  3. #3
    they told us not to talk any creatine or other body building substances 2 to 3 days before it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Phx, Arizona
    just for drugs...sometimes you can come up dirty on coke or herioin from weird shit...

  5. #5
    yea i failed a drug test once for a job i was gonna start, failed for PCP thats freakin crazy i never done that in my life...anyway it was a cough med i was taking...but as everyone said mainly just narcotics

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