STATS: 5"10 226 27% bf
MY QUESTION IS HOW much and when to eat it.
work out 4-5 days a week want some muscle less fat
STATS: 5"10 226 27% bf
MY QUESTION IS HOW much and when to eat it.
work out 4-5 days a week want some muscle less fat
Cottage Cheese is a good source of alternative protein if you get a very low fat carton even better! You can mix it with tuna and have it with tuna and potatoes this will give a high protein low fat meal, it is also said that mixing different protein sources i good! Eat it with what ever meal you desire remember to eat a protein source every 2-3 hours!
Ms Figure
Well hmmm.... Several points brother .. Cardio ! you should work up to 6 days a week in the morning b4 any food is consumed . whatever cardio you like for 30 min...
Diet wise I would think you shouldn't eat over 2k calories per day . How active is your job ? you may have to try and figure out your BMR based on how much activity your doing now .. I would guess that at 27% that probably isn't a factor ...
You should take a full gama of vitamins, just in case your diet doesn't supply a few . Get some Thermbuterol / Xenadrine or equiv to aid in fat loss...
If I was training you I would need to know a couple things to add to this a structure a diet for you . But, hopefully with the suggestion I give and the others great advice you should find aid in designing something that works for you...
Here is a sample diet:
Cardio.....\\ wait 1 hour
meal 1 : 3/4 cup Oats 9 eg whites / or protein drink w/ no carbs
vitamin pack, thermbuterol and a slue of herbals .
meal 2 : Protein w/ no more than 20-30 carbs
Meal 3 : Chicken breast , baked potato, 1 cup veggie .
Meal 4 : protein drink same as meal 2
Meal 5: 1 hour after weight training
Chicken breast , 1 cup brwn rice 2 cups veggie .
Meal 6 : prolly around 8 - 8:30 pm
4 oz chicken / or protein drink / no carbs
Add some glutamine and creatine if your not already ....
You should drink about 1+ gallons of water a day... You really shouldn't drink anything other than water, sodas, juice and dairy
have too many calories, sugars/carbs ....
Your weight training can be 4 days a week like mon, tues, thur , fri ... taking sat and sun off weights but not cardio sat morning ... leaving sat evening to have your free meal and sun morning off cardio...
this is basically a precontest diet... You just won't have to strict up this diet anymore ... This will hold muscle while losing fat ... A big dop in weight comes rather quickly ... This will be mostly water weight ... you may be on this for about 14-18 weeks ... You will want to increase or decrease calories ( something I would be able to do if I saw you on a reg basis . ) based on how much your losing each week after the first 3 weeks . Try and lose around 2 lbs a week ... I take it you will try and lose about 35 lbs ... thats about 10% bf at the end ... And thats pretty lean. 5' 10 190 @ 10% is pretty awesom brother ... So don't get upset about the weight looking good and feeling good mean a whole lot ...
well keep us posted ...Good Luck
HMMM I hope I understood the blurb .... If not somebody else may benefit from that post ... oh well ...
Excellent post "Double M" but you forgot to tell him to brush his teeth after each mealSeriously GEO1, M's advice is solid, you would do well to incorporate what he has suggested.
Thanks Pete ....
I find it best to train with weights in latter afternoon ... for several reasons ... With cardio you are doing a steady pace exercise that is quite easily done on an empty stomach ..
Especially during a dieting program you need to keep your strength up ... This denotes heavy lifting , maximum effort , for this I feel having sufficient glycogen levels aid a serious workout...
During the days feeding will you supply pretty much what the body needs to run at an optimal level ... Every calorie by eating this clean will be used to its full ... Whereas eating all thats not bolted down puts the body thru turmoil . Expending much needed energy to digestion and waste production .
Using a product like Xenedrine or equiv may even give an added boost to your workout .... Hope this helps 8>)
Good luck
Great post Marky Mark 10 out of 10![]()
Ms Figure
just a quick question:
anyone know the exact nutritional profile of cottage cheese. all the different makes i try say different things haha
i hope its what a few of them say: per 100g
13g protein
3.5g carbs
1g fat (this is 'fatfree' cottage cheese)
but some i have seen say something like
6g protein
7-8g carbs
1g fat
thats quite a difference, especially since i like eatin it at night where i try cut out carbs.
thanks guys!
marky mark
couple of glutamine questions
before or after weights?
once a day in morning after cardio?![]()
not marky mark, but...
5g in am
10g post workout
5g before bed
on cardio-only days, just skip the 10g part
What happens here, stays here
Mine says:Originally posted by xenithon
just a quick question:
anyone know the exact nutritional profile of cottage cheese. all the different makes i try say different things haha
i hope its what a few of them say: per 100g
13g protein
3.5g carbs
1g fat (this is 'fatfree' cottage cheese)
but some i have seen say something like
6g protein
7-8g carbs
1g fat
thats quite a difference, especially since i like eatin it at night where i try cut out carbs.
thanks guys!
80 cals/15g protein/5g carbs/0 fat
What happens here, stays here
Primo is correct ... thats a good way to do it .... I have a product I like ( except it takes getting used to ) Maxmuscle Triple Fusion ... This is a sugar free product that has glycene, creatine and glutamine. \
I take 20 grams a day roughly same schedule that Primo said.. But I take 4 servings giving me 20 grams of creatine glycene and glutamine a day ... 5 grms at a time at meals 1, 3, 5 and then before I go to sleep ... I don't stop on cardio only days . But on my diet I don't take any chances ... If I was Bulking ( hmm bad word usage .... I don't bulk ) If I was trying to add muscle to my frame I wouldn't care if I missed a day here or there even ... as with all supps ... When I am eating more than I am burning ( such as a gaining cycle ( w/ or without Special supps ) I try and eat clean but varied ... Due to adding fat into my diet a lil more and so forth I will eat large salads with beans and veggies ( the dressings are killers for dieting but lemon juice just doesn't cut it know what I mean ) so I feel I am able to get many more nutrients into my body just thru my eating .. whereas in a hard diet there isnt alot of nutrition, I hate to say that ... Diets are supposed to be healthy ... But we here know that most on stage are close to Death ...hehe
Good luck brother
my printer is running out of ink.....hehe .
is it better with water or juice?
i stopped drinking juice a couple of months ago
What happens here, stays here
Markymark if ya had some clen would that take the place of thembuterol? would the routine stay the same
Yeh .... If I had the Opportunity to take it instead I would and Yes I would keep my diet the same ... although my water intake would increase as needed ...
and as far as Glutamine and creatine .....
Glutamine can be taken in water or your protein shake... whereas creatine needs a sugar infusion agent to carry it into the blood stream efficiently ...
Like 6 oz of 100% grape juice is my favorite ,,, but I cant have it now ,,,, so this Triple fusion I take is sugar free and has a sugarless infusion agent thats supposed to work just as well ... we'll see ...Although it has an after taste like metal....maybe a fruit punch flavored metal at that ,hehe
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