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Thread: Please help me with cutting advice/diet!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Please help me with cutting advice/diet!!!

    Here is my deal, I am currently 5’10” and my weight fluctuates between 177-180. I need to lose 8-10 lbs in the next three to four weeks. So here are my questions. Assuming I follow the cutting diet below, is it possible for me to cut those 8-10 lbs of fat in the 3-4 weeks? Also, as long as I am taking in 1 gallon of water a day, will that be enough to tell a notable difference in what I look like in terms of water retention? I am on my last 8lbs till I get to my lean weight, and I am finding it very hard to lose, if you know why, or have suggestions how to lose it easier or a better way, please let me know. In terms of working out I lift 3-4 times a week and will be doing cardio 3 times a week. Should I risk a fourth day and potentially lose some muscle to get lean? If you know of any other supplements that might help, no “fat burners” cause I am prone to acne since they raise the stress hormone levels. Sorry for all the questions, I appreciate all the help.

    I am currently onlyeating 2000 calories a day, as my maintenance # is 3000, thus I can lose 2 lbs of fat a week.

    Breakfast: Either oatmeal or Special K (new high fiber/protein kind)
    Meal #2: Banana or protein shake
    Meal #3: Chicken or steak wrap (1 tortilla, steak, and a sprinkle of cheese)
    Meal #4: Fruit or protein shake (depends on which I had earlier)
    Meal #5: Steak or chicken breast with 1 cup of rice
    Meal #6: ?????
    Last edited by jport1540; 05-08-2006 at 11:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Im pretty much in the same situation. I was going to post a topic asking for help, and I still just might.

    Im 210 lbs and have only maybe 10 lbs left to lose..on my stomach and such.
    Im going to stay away from the complex carbs, which are starches...noodles, breads, etc. We'll see how that works...look for my topic as well maybe you can get some help from my situation jport.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    Quote Originally Posted by jport1540
    Here is my deal, I am currently 5’10” and my weight fluctuates between 177-180. I need to lose 8-10 lbs in the next three to four weeks. So here are my questions. Assuming I follow the cutting diet below, is it possible for me to cut those 8-10 lbs of fat in the 3-4 weeks? Also, as long as I am taking in 1 gallon of water a day, will that be enough to tell a notable difference in what I look like in terms of water retention? I am on my last 8lbs till I get to my lean weight, and I am finding it very hard to lose, if you know why, or have suggestions how to lose it easier or a better way, please let me know. In terms of working out I lift 3-4 times a week and will be doing cardio 3 times a week. Should I risk a fourth day and potentially lose some muscle to get lean? If you know of any other supplements that might help, no “fat burners” cause I am prone to acne since they raise the stress hormone levels. Sorry for all the questions, I appreciate all the help.

    I am currently onlyeating 2000 calories a day, as my maintenance # is 3000, thus I can lose 2 lbs of fat a week.

    Breakfast: Either oatmeal or Special K (new high fiber/protein kind)
    Meal #2: Banana or protein shake
    Meal #3: Chicken or steak wrap (1 tortilla, steak, and a sprinkle of cheese)
    Meal #4: Fruit or protein shake (depends on which I had earlier)
    Meal #5: Steak or chicken breast with 1 cup of rice
    Meal #6: ?????
    Take a look at the cutting sticky up top. Your diet sucks.

    "Fruit or protein shake" Explain how these are interchangable.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    All I can say is ditto.

    I saw the banana or a protein shake and stopped right there....


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    The idea behind the "fruit or protein shake" as that they provide a meal with lo calories, as I have to carefully watch my caloric in take. Bananas offer 7-8 grams of fiber as well, and I am trying to take in 25 grams of fiber a day and I need a daily protein shake. If you think its bad, or have another suggestion, let me know. Im tryin to cut, but I am not used to following as strict routines as many bodybuilders do, so I am doing what works for me and I know I can cut weight and stick to untill I am more disciplined. But if you got any suggestions, please let me know

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Bobcat County
    Other than suggesting taking a look at the cutting sticky which Buff and Swole told you (and they know their shvt so you're best to listen to them)

    First, its not just about what you eat but what you eat it with. You shouldn't be mixing carbs and fat. You should be eating more protein, and if you're stuck on the banana toss it in to your protein shake in the morning. But if fibre is what you're after I suggest Benefibre or Metamucil. Your breakfast should include a lean protein such as egg whites along with your oatmeal. Cereal is crap, forget about it altogether. If you're gonna eat carbs go for low GI carbs such as oatmeal, sweet potatoes.. brown rice is ok too.
    I don't know when you're eating these meals but eating every two hours is about right. If you really want to lose the weight you should be doing more cardio on an empty stomach in the a.m. but then I'm not sure how that would affect your gains/LBM.

    Good luck.. hope this helps. But seriously the guys know best so if they've given you any info tips or suggestions follow them.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    where exactly can I find the cutting sticky? I am still new to the forum, I may call it something else. Sorry for the dumb question.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Bobcat County

    There ya go! It was in the DIET QUESTIONS forum, the stickies are posted at the top with red.... make sure you research the site too, thers tond of great info.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    Take a look at the cutting sticky up top. Your diet sucks.

    "Fruit or protein shake" Explain how these are interchangable.


    ditto...just do some research on how to cut cleanly then post your diet after all nessicary research, and then we will critique will figure it out...good luck bro

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