Here is my deal, I am currently 5’10” and my weight fluctuates between 177-180. I need to lose 8-10 lbs in the next three to four weeks. So here are my questions. Assuming I follow the cutting diet below, is it possible for me to cut those 8-10 lbs of fat in the 3-4 weeks? Also, as long as I am taking in 1 gallon of water a day, will that be enough to tell a notable difference in what I look like in terms of water retention? I am on my last 8lbs till I get to my lean weight, and I am finding it very hard to lose, if you know why, or have suggestions how to lose it easier or a better way, please let me know. In terms of working out I lift 3-4 times a week and will be doing cardio 3 times a week. Should I risk a fourth day and potentially lose some muscle to get lean? If you know of any other supplements that might help, no “fat burners” cause I am prone to acne since they raise the stress hormone levels. Sorry for all the questions, I appreciate all the help.
I am currently onlyeating 2000 calories a day, as my maintenance # is 3000, thus I can lose 2 lbs of fat a week.
Breakfast: Either oatmeal or Special K (new high fiber/protein kind)
Meal #2: Banana or protein shake
Meal #3: Chicken or steak wrap (1 tortilla, steak, and a sprinkle of cheese)
Meal #4: Fruit or protein shake (depends on which I had earlier)
Meal #5: Steak or chicken breast with 1 cup of rice
Meal #6: ?????