If say, you only eat 2 meals a day (that consist of real food) and the other 4-5 are liquid...(You're still getting the protein # and calories you need)
I'm not talking a day here and a day there...i am talking every day for weeks...or even months
If say, you only eat 2 meals a day (that consist of real food) and the other 4-5 are liquid...(You're still getting the protein # and calories you need)
I'm not talking a day here and a day there...i am talking every day for weeks...or even months
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Worked for Tommy Lasorta
Seriuosly I'm not sure what it would do to a serious athlete/bodybuilder. I know I would be constantly hungry, even if I threw in some flax seed oil. Great question Primo...I have no idea.
i'll let you know in another month
I may have to start some high doses of EQ just to make myself hungry
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For a wk otr two would,nt have thought it would be too bad but for a long period of time I would,nt do it.
I'm not saying it's "by choice"...i was thinking more along the lines of messing with your ability to digest real food after drinking so much for so long. I guess time will tell
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Be careful Primodonna,
Technically you might be getting the same protein intake ect, but you will not be getting the proper amount of fiber, vitamins, nutirents ect. If you try this try incorporateing some MetaMusell for fiber and top it off with a good vitamin suplement such as One a day or some other type vitamin.
I hear ya Tobey...i am throwing down the vitamins...my cabinet looks like a pharmacy at the moment...good point about the fiber though
You know of any OTC appetite enhancers? I never thought I would ask something like this as i am normally starving 24/7 but this is getting ridiculous
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I know when I was working at Allsportsnutrition and AR, all I did was eat breakfast and either a lunch or dinner. That's all I had time for. The rest of the time I ate protein bars and drank protein drinks. At first it bothered me, but after a while I got use to it. I went this way for months. Probably not the best for me, but I survived. Your stomach will hurt a little at first, but your body can adapt.
You want appetite enhancers? To make you hungery? Perfect answer- the receipe section if that don't make you hungery then no pill will either! LOLOriginally posted by primodonna
You know of any OTC appetite enhancers? I never thought I would ask something like this as i am normally starving 24/7 but this is getting ridiculous
nice little way of promoting that section, eh? As you know any thread i post in gets at least 100 views...
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Ya, but not as many ACTUAL posts.![]()
does it matter though? all of my fans and followers apparently are silent ones![]()
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Natural appetite enhancers - sex I,m more hungry after that then I am a hard workout.
Just be careful Primo![]()
are you telling me to run out and become a lady of the night?![]()
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no that's not it at all...i have no appetite...none whatsoever and like i said earlier, i have always been hungry...morning noon and night up until about a month ago...so i'm drinking 2200 cals and eating the other 1000 (if i'm lucky)... don't know the long-term affects of this...that is what i was asking
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ah yes...in theory that is right on...however, were i to take a bite of anything "bad"...the whole box/jar/bar whatever would be gone in a minute...moderation is not in my vocabulary
i've read all that about diet soda/crystal light/even sugar free gum and have to say IME, it is very true
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Really Crystal LITE makes you produce INSULIN?!Shit, screw injecting that humilin stuff, i drink enough crystal lite to fill a bathtub.
Maybe i should cut back, if that's the case.
lol...not exactly...i don't know the scientific mumbo jumbo on it but i have read a lot about not drinking it or chewing gum when dieting for some reasoning like that...i am going to find it and post it when i do.
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