im abit confused as to how to run the HCG for my forthcoming 12 week Test Enth cycle.
wk 1-12 : 500mg Test E weekly
wk 15-17 : Nolva/Clomid downtaper (2weeks after last inject)
now this part....
Im thinking of running HCG 500iu once a week from wk 6 but dont know whether to end it week before i begin nolva/clomid wk 14 or as soon as i stop injecting wk 12. Also i know that i'll have to run an AI when taking the HCG so i was thinking liquidex 0.5ml (=0.5mg Adex) eod.
do u think i should start the HCG just a couple of weeks before the end of cycle and at what dose therefore?