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Thread: Cycle advice - sust/deca

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Here and there...

    Cycle advice - sust/deca

    Hello all,

    Couple quick stats about me: 5'11" - 200lbs - ~16% BF - ~3 years in gym - diet is around 2500-3000 cals per/day - this is my first cycle of any kind.

    On the advice of a trainer at my gym (he's a pro-level competitor) I started a sust/deca cycle. This is how he said i should break down the cycle:

    W1-2: Sust@250
    W3: sust@250 + 300mg Deca
    W4: sust@500 + 300mg Deca
    W5: same
    W6: same
    Nolva@10mg EOD

    I just started week 4 on Sunday. I was talking to this trainer yest and he suggested that I change the "plan" and up the sust to 750 moving forward. That said, I have a few questions:

    1. is 750 too much, especially considering this is my first cycle? (NOTE: so far, i have not really felt/seen any changes since starting the cycle - I look a little fuller in the gym, but that's about all i've noticed so far - I've actually lost a couple lbs in the last week). Should I stick with sust@500 for the remainder of the cycle? 10 weeks? 12 weeks total (not including pct)?

    2. If sust@750 is ok, how should i split up the shots? 250 every 3 days?

    Thanks very much

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Not sure about the credibility of the trainer.

    Why only 6 weeks? Why start the Deca later? Why ramp up the test? Why be over 1g/week combined for a 1st cycle?

    350-400mg a week of Test E is a great 1st cycle, good body response, little sides, and you feel good.

    You need to ask questions, research, and not blindly follow this guy's advice. I would reccomend staying at 500/300 since you are already into it, but for at least 10 weeks.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mountaineer Country
    Quote Originally Posted by JoeCamel
    Hello all,

    Couple quick stats about me: 5'11" - 200lbs - ~16% BF - ~3 years in gym - diet is around 2500-3000 cals per/day - this is my first cycle of any kind. Add more calories

    On the advice of a trainer at my gym (he's a pro-level competitor) I started a sust/deca cycle. This is how he said i should break down the cycle:

    W1-2: Sust@250 Why no deca here? Start sus at 500 and no pyramiding.
    W3: sust@250 + 300mg Deca
    W4: sust@500 + 300mg Deca
    W5: same
    W6: same
    Nolva@10mg EOD Drop nolva and save for PCT.

    I just started week 4 on Sunday. I was talking to this trainer yest and he suggested that I change the "plan" and up the sust to 750 moving forward. That said, I have a few questions:

    1. is 750 too much, especially considering this is my first cycle? Yes (NOTE: so far, i have not really felt/seen any changes since starting the cycle - I look a little fuller in the gym, but that's about all i've noticed so far - I've actually lost a couple lbs in the last week) Takes time. Should I stick with sust@500 for the remainder of the cycle? 10 weeks? 12 weeks total (not including pct)? 12 weeks is fine

    2. If sust@750 is ok, how should i split up the shots? 250 every 3 days? Stay at 500 and inject EOD.

    Thanks very much

    Comments in red. Write up your PCT protocol.
    Last edited by MartyMcFly; 01-09-2007 at 11:39 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Here and there...
    thanks for the replies so far guys!

    Agreed on the credibility of the trainer. He's somewhat of an aquiantance and is rather well known at my gym, so, at the time, I figured he'd be a good source of info.. I'm quickly finding out that he's either very old school or simply giving advice on what worked for him at one time or other. Anyway, that's why I'm here now I guess.. better late than never right?

    He only planned out the first 6 weeks to see how I reacted, since this was my first time, and then adjust things from there. I believe this was also the reason for the ramp up of sust.

    Anyway, so here is my dilema.. I've already started this cycle, and have the sust and deca.. so, can't really switch to Test E now.. nor can I start the sust at 500 from week one, since I'm already on week 4. I'm thinking I should continue sust@500 (2 shots@250 - 1sun - 1wed)/week + deca@300/week for 8 more weeks. Any major objections to this? Should I extend the cycle a couple weeks to make up for the first couple of low-dose weeks for a total of 14 weeks?

    Thanks again.. and yes, i've learned my lesson.. do my own research BEFORE I start

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