this is my story. I was at the strip bar last night, had a few drinks whilest yellin at strippers with my room mates and their girls. Now, my girlie was in the smoking room, even though she doesnt smoke talkin and gettin all close to this shmuck in there.... hes feedin her drinks and they are talkin for a good couple hours. now, my freind terry took it onto herself to say something about it. so I walk into the nasty cancer room and all i see is my girlie is flailin at me tellim me that shes just a shag to me and all this shit...
I clued in when i saw terry there, as terry hates my girlie.... god only knows what bull she fed her, but it ended with the two girls fighting and pulling hair and clawin each other in the smokin room... the puttz my girlie was sittin with got in my face and my natural instinct was to remove his face from my face, however I just walked away and went and got another drink at this point.
girlie was yellin that we're over and all that jazz, I ended up gettin talked into escortin some of my girl friends to the club afterwards while their boyfriends went home.... odd...
I was at the club not even 15 mins and my girlie walks in with that puttz she was talkin with.... I wouldnt even talk to her, kept my distance and danced with some other women... at this point i have to admit, i had a few too many so I was actually on the dance floor. when low and behold the girls are all at it again and im bombin over there to end this before we all get booted out, as many of the bouncers are friends of mine and I dont need them dealin with my drunken friends....
long story made short, I came home without girlie, woke up this afternoon and all of a sudden felt riddled with guilt.... I hate feeling guilty, especially when I figure I havent actaully done anything wrong...
now girlie calls me from work and says shes poppin over this evenin to bring me some music i left at her house and to "talk" to me about this stuff.... Joy, the fun never bloody ends!
last night was supposed to be a good night, I got in from camp and wanted to take my girlie out to and have fun as it was my friend crystal **ay.... nice to see the one day i spend all week lookin forward to goes straight to hell!
anywhoo, done venting, thanks for listenin lads and lasses!