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Thread: My First Cycle

  1. #1

    My First Cycle

    For my first cycle I am running Winny 50mg/ED for 5 weeks with MyogenX 3 tabs/ED with creatine and protein. I wanted to know if this would be an effective cycle. My goal is to lose fat and gain lean muscle mass. Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    what are your stats?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    sounds bad

  4. #4
    Im 6'2" 210 @ 17%BF I want to drop at least 7%BF and gain muscle mass.

  5. #5
    My question is if MyogenX will provide enough natural test boost for a base for this cycle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    First cycle should consist of testosterone @250mgs 2x per week . Done. ant thing esle is goofy

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mountaineer Country
    Quote Originally Posted by Trojans21
    Im 6'2" 210 @ 17%BF I want to drop at least 7%BF and gain muscle mass.
    I don't think you can drop 7% bf in 5 weeks. I would get my diet in check and hit the cardio in the morning. That is the best way to lose fat.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Trojans21
    For my first cycle I am running Winny 50mg/ED for 5 weeks with MyogenX 3 tabs/ED with creatine and protein. I wanted to know if this would be an effective cycle. My goal is to lose fat and gain lean muscle mass. Any suggestions?
    Yes, don't do it.

    Best way to lose body fat is a "diet. Get down to 10-12% pre cycle then you might run a test only cycle, but I think you have another year or two of natural training left in you.

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