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Thread: Starting Cylce In A Week!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Lightbulb Starting Cylce In A Week!

    Here Is my Cyce some of you may have seen it before?!

    Just B4 I start it,would anybody like to comment on the Cycle weather or not 2 add anything else to it? Such as Vitamins or anything else.

    Just want to thank you all, for all the information I have recieved!


    Week 1-10 500 mg Sustanon 250
    Week 1-10 400mg Trenbolone Enthanate
    Week 1-10 400mg Vitamin B 400mg Day
    Week 1-10 20mg Nolvadex
    Week 8-12 HCG 500 iu 3 times a week!
    Week 8-12 50mg Winstrol ED
    Week 12-14 Nolvadex 40mg Each Day
    Week 12-16 Arimidex 1ml ED
    Week 14-16 Nolvadex 20mg Each Day
    Week 14-18 Tribulus !!! How much should I take aday???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Age, stats, height workout experience, cycle experience ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    26, 80kg, 5ft 10.
    Done a few cyles b4 such as Ganabol & winstro, Tren & Win. and the last 1 just sus not for long tho!

    Training for about 4 years or so!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    please stop using !'s, they make you sound like a 10 year old. (sorry, I couldnt resist)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Any other comment on the cycle?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Instead of vitamin B? (which one?) run a VitB complex. I don't understand why you are running hcg in the end of you cycle. You should run it during pct with nolvadex and arimidex. I would only run hcg during cycle if some nasty shrinkage occurred. For pct run it 500iu a day for 3 weeks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Forget the tribulus. It is only worth for spending money. (just ruined your placebo).
    If you really want to run it do it at 1,5 grams/day.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    It's generally recommended to run your test (sust in your case) a couple of weeks longer than tren so I'd run it 1-12

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Kevinjg
    26, 80kg, 5ft 10.
    Done a few cyles b4 such as Ganabol & winstro, Tren & Win. and the last 1 just sus not for long tho!

    Training for about 4 years or so!
    5'10" 170 need food not gear

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by hugovsilva
    Instead of vitamin B? (which one?) run a VitB complex. I don't understand why you are running hcg in the end of you cycle. You should run it during pct with nolvadex and arimidex. I would only run hcg during cycle if some nasty shrinkage occurred. For pct run it 500iu a day for 3 weeks.
    Vitamin B6

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by hugovsilva
    Instead of vitamin B? (which one?) run a VitB complex. I don't understand why you are running hcg in the end of you cycle. You should run it during pct with nolvadex and arimidex. I would only run hcg during cycle if some nasty shrinkage occurred. For pct run it 500iu a day for 3 weeks.
    I would imagine he is taking B6 to alleviate any possible high prolactin levels from the tren (good idea). IMO hcg during a heavily suppressive cycle (such as one with tren) is an excellent idea. I would also run it in the gap between cycle and PCT but not during PCT.
    I would forget the trib (its crap) and get some myogenx (the new supp from A roberts that everyone is raving about). Good luck.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I wasn't going to listen to the guy with 86 posts!

    I've just been told i shoud use the arimidex through out the cycle as it's an aromatase inhibitor as this will prevent conversion of testosterone to estrogen! and just use Nolvadex for PCT only use Nolvadex if i get sore nipples!

    And I should take winny during the 1st 5 weeks of your cycle not
    the last because it upregulates glucocorticoid receptors, making
    you lose more muscle post cycle.

    Any advice on this B4 I start my cycle??


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Any suggestions?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    I Start Tomorrow!!


    Week 1-10 500 mg Sustanon 250
    Week 1-10 400mg Trenbolone Enthanate
    Week 1-10 300mg Vitamin B 400mg Day
    Week 1-6 0.5ml Arimidex A Day
    Week 6-10 1ml Arimidex A Day
    Week 6-10 HCG 500 iu 3 times a week!
    Week 6-10 50mg Winstrol ED
    Week 10-12 Nolvadex 40mg Each Day
    Week 12-14 Nolvadex 20mg Each Day
    Week 14-16 Nolvadex 10mg Each Day

    QUESTION- Could i use Winstrol Tabs for week 1-10 50mg A Day?

    As i'm useing Sustanon the test will still be active for up2 another 4 weeks, should i start PCT the day after my last injection or should i wait 2 weeks B4 I start PCT?

    Thanks 4 all the help!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Kevinjg
    I wasn't going to listen to the guy with 86 posts!
    10 weeks is too much for winstrol due to liver toxicity(6-8weeks) is the usual, being the oral the one you are thinking to run even worse (what dosage are u running anyway?)

    By the way you should run until 2 weeks after last sust injection so it leaves your system more or less at the same time the sustenon does.
    PB told you what he thinks is best, but I keep my idea that it is best to run hcg mid cycle only if necessary in order not to weaken its effect during PCT (yes, i run it during pct, it works well for me).

    Just one other thing...
    Will you listen to me now? I now have 151? posts.
    You should try to judge an advice by if it suits you or not, not by the number of posts one has.
    Good luck with your cycle.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Winstrol 50mg a day

    I'm a bit confused can you explain?

    By the way you should run until 2 weeks after last sust injection so it leaves your system more or less at the same time the sustenon does.
    PB told you what he thinks is best, but I keep my idea that it is best to run hcg mid cycle only if necessary in order not to weaken its effect during PCT (yes, i run it during pct, it works well for me).


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Winstrol is a fast acting drug, the injectable is suspension and the oral...well is oral
    Sustenon being made mostly of long acting esters will stay in your system up to 2 weeks after last shot.
    If you run winstrol until 2 weeks after sust last shot you will have it in ypur system until the sust completely leaves, and they will both disapear at the same time leading to pct.

    Perfect Beast sugested it would be a good idea to run hcg mid cycle and in the gap between it and pct. I would only run it mid cycle if I noticed it was necessary (might not be) in order to keep LH receptors fresh for it during pct. I run the A.Roberts PCT (which suggests running hcg) with much success.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Ok so

    Week 1-10 500 mg Sustanon 250
    Week 1-10 400mg Trenbolone Enthanate
    Week 1-10 300mg Vitamin B 400mg Day
    Week 1-6 0.5ml Arimidex A Day
    Week 6-10 1ml Arimidex A Day
    Week 6-10 HCG 500 iu 3 times a week! SHOULD I CHANGE THIS 1?
    Week 6-12 50mg Winstrol ED
    Week 12-14 Nolvadex 40mg Each Day
    Week 14-16 Nolvadex 20mg Each Day
    Week 16-18 Nolvadex 10mg Each Day

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    IMO looks good.
    Then again, its your option to run hcg mid cycle. There are a lot of ways to run hcg so its really up to tou.
    I would add an AI or some proviron, or both to that pct.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by hugovsilva
    IMO looks good.
    Then again, its your option to run hcg mid cycle. There are a lot of ways to run hcg so its really up to tou.
    I would add an AI or some proviron, or both to that pct.
    So add some Arimidex 0.5ml for PCT-4 weeks? Move HCG

    Week 1-10 500 mg Sustanon 250
    Week 1-10 400mg Trenbolone Enthanate
    Week 1-10 300mg Vitamin B 400mg Day
    Week 1-8 0.5ml Arimidex A Day
    Week 8-10 1ml Arimidex A Day (or stay 1ml til week 12)
    Week 8-12 HCG 500 iu 3 times a week!
    Week 6-12 50mg Winstrol ED
    Week 12-16 Arimidex 0.5ml A Day
    Week 12-14 Nolvadex 40mg Each Day
    Week 14-16 Nolvadex 20mg Each Day
    Week 16-18 Nolvadex 10mg Each Day

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    way better.
    Like I seem to be the only one around here to run hcg for pct I would suggest:

    week 9-12 (3 weeks):hcg @500iu/day

    but I guess it would do no harm to do 1000iu 3 times a week.

    Close the gap between week 10 and 12 with the arinidex.
    I think you are ready to go.
    Last edited by hugovsilva; 01-22-2007 at 04:24 AM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by hugovsilva
    way better.
    Like I seem to be the only one around here to run hcg for pct I would suggest:

    week 9-12 (3 weeks):hcg @500iu/day

    but I guess it would do no harm to do 1000iu 3 times a week.

    Close the gap between week 10 and 12 with the arinidex.
    I think you are ready to go.
    Week 1-10 500 mg Sustanon 250
    Week 1-10 400mg Trenbolone Enthanate
    Week 1-10 300mg Vitamin B 300mg Day
    Week 1-8 0.5ml Arimidex A Day
    Week 6-12 50mg Winstrol ED
    Week 8-12 HCG 500 iu 3 times a week!
    Week 8-12 1ml Arimidex A Day
    Week 12-14 Nolvadex 40mg Each Day
    Week 12-16 0.5ml Airmidex A Day
    Week 14-16 Nolvadex 20mg Each Day
    Week 16-18 Nolvadex 10mg Each Day

    How would you take VitB? all at once?
    Winstrol how would you take them, spliy them up?

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    never ran oral winny, but due to the short half life I would split the dosage.
    Same for the b6.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Kevinjg
    Week 1-10 500 mg Sustanon 250
    Week 1-10 400mg Trenbolone Enthanate
    Week 1-10 300mg Vitamin B 300mg Day
    Week 1-8 0.5ml Arimidex A Day
    Week 6-12 50mg Winstrol ED
    Week 8-12 HCG 500 iu 3 times a week!
    Week 8-12 1ml Arimidex A Day
    Week 12-14 Nolvadex 40mg Each Day
    Week 12-16 0.5ml Airmidex A Day
    Week 14-16 Nolvadex 20mg Each Day
    Week 16-18 Nolvadex 10mg Each Day

    How would you take VitB? all at once?
    Winstrol how would you take them, spliy them up?
    No need for that much adex. In fact even 0.5mg is too much. 0.25mg ED is more than enough to cover that cycle

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    No need for that much adex. In fact even 0.5mg is too much. 0.25mg ED is more than enough to cover that cycle
    Ummm ok, If taken to much is there any difference, Side effects? By taking .25 or .5ml? I supose i could start on ..25ml. Would would be the main diff in taking those amounts?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    You should be taking Winstrol during weeks 1-6 not 6-12. This works much better. It's not a good idea to take HCG during PCT because it delays recovery. I agree with the lower dose of arimidex.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Kevinjg
    Ummm ok, If taken to much is there any difference, Side effects? By taking .25 or .5ml? I supose i could start on ..25ml. Would would be the main diff in taking those amounts?
    Because you still need Estrogen and 1 mg will pretty much wipe it out. Possible muscle loss as a result

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