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Thread: no xplode and whey in pill form?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Mid-East Coast

    no xplode and whey in pill form?

    Gonna be cuting come March and researching and gathering materials now, had a few questions. I'd like to use something along the lines of NoXplode for energy and pumps in my workouts, is there anything like this in pill form that is a quality product and works to the same extent?

    Also looking for something pill form for whey protein for PWO. I know I am probably dreaming here but I dont mind using powder whey shakes.

    Is there anything else thats worth using during a cut to help with keeping energy since I'll be doing lots of cardio plus my normal lifting routine, with low calorie consumption?

    Also, any reason why any of these supplements shouldnt be taken in addition to clen, and taurine.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Mid-East Coast
    seem to reading alot on Shotgun NO, would that be any better to use vs. the original?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Jiesel
    Gonna be cuting come March and researching and gathering materials now, had a few questions. I'd like to use something along the lines of NoXplode for energy and pumps in my workouts, is there anything like this in pill form that is a quality product and works to the same extent?

    Also looking for something pill form for whey protein for PWO. I know I am probably dreaming here but I dont mind using powder whey shakes.

    Is there anything else thats worth using during a cut to help with keeping energy since I'll be doing lots of cardio plus my normal lifting routine, with low calorie consumption?

    Also, any reason why any of these supplements shouldnt be taken in addition to clen, and taurine.

    Google Amplify O2...ive used it and liked it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Mid-East Coast
    Well before I throw Noxplode and Shotgun out the window, the reason Im being lazy and want pill form is timing, I wake up at 8:30 and am at the gym by 9am until 1030am, dont have alot of time between there to drink a huge shake, is It Just a small dosage I could drink in an 6-8oz glass of water or Juice? Seems alot of good review on Shotgun and I think It might be worth trying for energy and pumps that early in the am...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Scottsdale, AZ
    You can make anything as potent as you want, but I would recommend that you drink water afterwards or it may upset your stomach. With my protein shakes and whenever I take No-xplode type products, I use less water than they say just so I can down it real quick, but unless I have other fluids/food in my stomach it will give you stomach cramps and the sh1ts

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Scottsdale, AZ
    Also, you can buy capping machines from a variety of places and I believe go up to 000 gauge caps, problem is, those only hold a little over a gram of powder, meaning it would be pointless to cap protein or the NOXPlode in them unless you wanted to swallow 40 pills.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Mid-East Coast
    Quote Originally Posted by EcToMoRpHiAn
    Also, you can buy capping machines from a variety of places and I believe go up to 000 gauge caps, problem is, those only hold a little over a gram of powder, meaning it would be pointless to cap protein or the NOXPlode in them unless you wanted to swallow 40 pills.
    that would be a blast, I'll pry stick to the chug method like u said as soon as I wake up

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