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Thread: good or bad idea?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    good or bad idea?

    Ok so originally my cycle was going to be
    test e 500mgs
    eq 600-800mgs (800mgs depends on whether or not I see results with 600mgs)

    I'm still waiting on some duta to come in before I start taking the test e and eq but meanwhile I'm thinking about running tbol 75-100 mgs ed until I get the duta at which point I will take tbol @ 75mg ed along with the test and eq at the doses stated above. I figure I will probably be on tbol alone for about 2 weeks before I add the test and eq....I know this probably isn't the wisest thing to do but I'm wondering what the other bros think about this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

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