I just wanted to get peoples opinions on the matter and perhaps seek solace in the more experienced users because right now I'm growing ever so concerned with the issues relating to ARR.
I placed two orders with them on Apr 10th and Apr 14th, since the "server" issues that have arisen we were informed to PM Lion and let him know if we wanted a refund.
I did so, and was told that it will be looked into and handled but the products may have shipped. Well, I explained I had to go elsewhere to fulfill my needs and that I couldnt wait any longer and thus, requested a refund.
Well, its the end of the week and I havent seen a refund yet and no product, which if it does arrive will be returned because I dont need it and requested a refund. I'm getting the impression that it doesnt matter what I want or need that I'll sit here and wait for the products to ship, if they do, and like it.
Maybe its me in frustration but I find this unacceptable and appalling, which I've tried to explain in a PM to Lion, but to no avail. I realize he probably has his hands full with all of the issues going on but I cant even get a response to the situation.
Now to make matters worse I go to PM Lion today to see if I can get an update in regards to my refund and it says that the user Lion is not accepting PM's. Is this just me or is this shady as shady can get?
Can anyone more experienced with Lion/ARR or know anything shed a bit more light and perhaps provide me with some useful insight with the situation? If this has broken any rules or what not with the post, please accept my most humble apologies and inform me as to how I can edit the post to conform with the policies enforced on these forums.
As it stands now it seems like if I want to see the money I can either call the number that the bank provided to me and/or initiate a dispute for the charges. Any advice or suggestions?