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Thread: Rookie dieter, need some help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Rookie dieter, need some help


    200 lbs
    22 years old

    Hi guys. I am about to start a tbol/var cycle, and my goal is to maintain around the same body weight, but hopefully get down to 11% or below BF. I'm a rookie at dieting, and i come to this forums seeking some advice and help. The extent of my dieting has always been to drink 1 or 2 protein shakes a day, and TRY to eat kinda healthy. I would like some help in putting together a decent cutting diet i can use while im on tbol/var to really maximize my gains.

    I try to get into my jiu jitsu classes 4 days a week ,and lift the days I dont make it there. I believe those classes offer a great full body workout, as well as great cardio.

    Keeping the above mentioned in mind, here is an outline i have come up with

    1st MEAL
    4 egg whites 1 egg yolk
    Myloplex LITE 50g protein/50g carbs

    2nd MEAL
    2 Cans Tuna in Water

    Pre Workout Meal
    Cytogainer 55g protein 80g carbs

    Post Workout Meal
    Myloplex LITE
    (What else??)

    Last MEAL
    (Can I do a dinner of choice as long as its lean and healthy??)

    As you can see, I really need some guidance. Thankyou for your help!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

  3. #3
    read the stickies on cutting at the top of the page. Also you're going to need to add nutritional facts after each meal in Calories/Protein/Carb/Fat form....

    From what i can tell you're off to a bad start.

    You have 4 meals posted and only ONE of them has real whole foods in them. Shakes should only be about 10% of your meals as whole foods come as a better benefit.

    Get your diet down before jumping on that cycle or your results won't be too beneficial.

    How tall are you?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    6'1" - sorry forgot.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Sam's Club
    Here is what Id do:

    Quote Originally Posted by DHew
    1st MEAL
    4 egg whites 1 egg yolk
    Myloplex LITE 50g protein/50g carbs
    Cut the shake out and replace with Oats. Add 4 more egg whites and drop the whole egg.
    2nd MEAL
    2 Cans Tuna in Water
    Add an EFA in here and some veggies

    Pre Workout Meal
    Cytogainer 55g protein 80g carbs
    Replace this with whole food, 6-8 oz of lean meat and some complex carbs like oats or sweet tater.
    Post Workout Meal
    Myloplex LITE
    (What else??)
    Really? Ever heard of meat?
    Last MEAL
    (Can I do a dinner of choice as long as its lean and healthy??)
    You need 6-8 oz of lean meat and choice of complex carbs/ or EFAs and add a cup of veggies.

    You need another meal. 5 meals in a day is not enough. Eat every 2.5-3 hours and that will keep you matabolism moving. All those shakes need to go.
    As you can see, I really need some guidance. Thankyou for your help!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    this is what my diet looks like, not saying this is what you have to follow but im just trying to give you some ideas -take from it what you want, revamp your diet and post it again for a final critique.

    4:30am breakfast
    8 egg whites
    whole wheat toast

    9:30am break
    1 can tuna
    flax seed oil

    chicken breast

    2pm break
    1 can salmon
    green vegtables
    rice cakes

    6pm pre workout
    carb drink

    8pm pwo

    9pm pwwo

    before bed
    fat free cottage cheese with trail mix
    flax seed oil

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