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Thread: Lots of advice needed...

  1. #1

    Lots of advice needed...

    got my bloodwork done a while ago and i haven't done anything about it...keep in mind that i have never done a cycle of any steroids, i've fooled around with andro and some anti-e's back in the day but nothing illegal,
    i feel almost every sign of low-testosterone, even though the urologist said my levels were in the normal range... i scored a 374 on a reference range of 241-827, which is the low side of normal he said... but still normal... heres the breakdown....
    FSH was 2.0 on a reference range of 1.4-18.1, Luetinizing Hormone is 2.7 on a reference of 1.5-9.3, prolactin scored 9.0 on a range of 2.1-17.7, looking to go to an endocrinologist for a second opinion, i was told by the urologist to just take viagra, i didn't like that idea, if i can't get prescribed trt since i'm ONLY 22! would you recommend anything like cabergoline or bromocriptin, arimidex, hcg, proviron to help me with my problems... i wanna fix them... not mask them with viagra.

  2. #2
    help me please! i have erectile dysfunction and i'm only 22...
    what can i do for myself besides use viagra?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    If your test levels are naturally low, I do not think there is anything that can be done to make your body continually produce more Test. You may have to settle for some type of TRT....but I am NO I would continue to talk to your doc and find the cause and a better solution if Viagra is NOT your choice

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    If your E2 is high, this could be causing your low Test levels. An AI can help if this is the cause. What are some of the symptoms you are having? Make sure your Doc uses your lab work as a guide as well as treating any symptoms.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    we must be twins....

    my test is in the 360 range... FSh 2.12... LH 3.4 prolactin...10.4...

    im 30 and JUST started TRT.... at 22, id say u qualify....

    check the estradiol sensitive......


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by fbcoach
    If your E2 is high, this could be causing your low Test levels. An AI can help if this is the cause. What are some of the symptoms you are having? Make sure your Doc uses your lab work as a guide as well as treating any symptoms.
    my symptoms are lack of motivation, erectile dysfuction (weak erections, or inability to achieve), tiredness, lethargy... etc... also very irritable, i'm thinking these are due to low test and high estrogens? i also have very little facial/body hair growth for my age anyway... i had natural gynecomastia which i developed from puberty which i have gotten removed with surgery...

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by phatkid77
    we must be twins....

    my test is in the 360 range... FSh 2.12... LH 3.4 prolactin...10.4...

    im 30 and JUST started TRT.... at 22, id say u qualify....

    check the estradiol sensitive......

    I hope i qualify, i'm sick of feeling like this...
    i don't know how i'll respond to the test though... i've never touched any compound other then clen in my life...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    youll like it...hahah

    symptoms sound similiar...except for the facial hair thing..

    good luck


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