got my bloodwork done a while ago and i haven't done anything about it...keep in mind that i have never done a cycle of any steroids, i've fooled around with andro and some anti-e's back in the day but nothing illegal,
i feel almost every sign of low-testosterone, even though the urologist said my levels were in the normal range... i scored a 374 on a reference range of 241-827, which is the low side of normal he said... but still normal... heres the breakdown....
FSH was 2.0 on a reference range of 1.4-18.1, Luetinizing Hormone is 2.7 on a reference of 1.5-9.3, prolactin scored 9.0 on a range of 2.1-17.7, looking to go to an endocrinologist for a second opinion, i was told by the urologist to just take viagra, i didn't like that idea, if i can't get prescribed trt since i'm ONLY 22! would you recommend anything like cabergoline or bromocriptin, arimidex, hcg, proviron to help me with my problems... i wanna fix them... not mask them with viagra.