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Thread: Drug Testing(PLS HELP)

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Drug Testing(PLS HELP)

    I am going to be lifting in a meet On November 14th. I was wondering if i would be fine if i got tested. I took winstrol, sus 250, and equipoise for 8 weeks 1cc of each a week(ended last week). I dont know how accurate the drug dection time on here is, because ive heard so many things about how long drugs stay in your system for. PLEASE HELP ME OUT

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom
    Have a look at one of the messages posted by The Base (see above) as his signatire has some updated detection times on it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Forget it!!!

    You've taken Equipoise and that alone will get you a ban. That substance stays in your system for the best part of 4 months possibly longer.

    In future, stick to substances like Test prop, dianabol, test suspension etc etc or just look at my signature!
    The winny is a difficult one - if it was injectable then again I would suggest forgetting it as it will show up.

    Sus250 will be clear of your system in 4 weeks tops. However, your t/e levels will take about another 2 weeks or more to return within the acceptable IOC levels (6:1).

    Take my advice, don't do the comp, leave it till after the new year when hopefully you'll be clear.
    I would suggest telling people that you have injured yourself or something similar.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Oh, and read some of the threads on winny - it can stay detectable for up to 12months!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    thank you guys im just not going to go then. its just a quilifer meet anyways. the real meet isnt until april:-)

    thanks again

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Thats the wisest decision to make.

    Now, between now and april, get on some dianabol and test prop and train with that, Also get hold of some test suspension and take a shot of that about 2.5-3 hours before you do a lifting session! You'll be suprised with the results

    You will continue to feel thebenefit of the EQ for about another month, maybe 6 weeks.

    You can also consider sus250, Anapolon or even Primobolan!

    You have plenty of time in which to do a good quality cycle and if I were you, just to be safe don't take any of the above mentioned substances after the end of January. Except Prop and suspension, and dbol. You could stop taking them about by the end of February(suspension you could take until about a week before the contest but your t/e levels will be all over the place so I suggest a minimum of 2 weeks!)

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