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Thread: Primo Users

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    City of Angels

    Primo Users

    Alright so I've seen all the harsh drugs that are out there. I've run everything. I can't take the sides from them. I bloat. I get really bad acne. My temper gets bad as well as my mood in general. I need to find something that can help me grow with little to no side effects and I'm hoping Primo is my ticket. If I were to run it alone what dose would give me effective results? Not from a textbook stand point but from personal use and experience. I see dosing from as low as 400 up to around 600 or more. I can run as much as I need to as long as the increase in dose gives me an increase in gains without an increase in side effects. Please give me your experience with Primo only cycles for those of you that have them. What can I expect?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    Ive ran 1 gram/wk for 12 weeks before. Nice slow, LBM gains, hardness, increased vascularity. Primo is good for holding onto muscle while trying to cut. Dont expect much size or strength though. Had no sides although after 8 weeks my libido decreased so I added in 50mg prop/eod to help with that

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    City of Angels
    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    Ive ran 1 gram/wk for 12 weeks before. Nice slow, LBM gains, hardness, increased vascularity. Primo is good for holding onto muscle while trying to cut. Dont expect much size or strength though. Had no sides although after 8 weeks my libido decreased so I added in 50mg prop/eod to help with that
    I'm gonna run it at 1400mg/wk and see how that works out then. I'm not looking for huge gains I just want to maintain my current muscle mass while I get lean. I was considering prop and will probably do a low dose if I run into any problems or feel I need it for gains. Did you notice much drop in BF?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    the cool thing was that my weight didnt change but my jeans got more loose in the I obviously dropped some bodyfat, although I was cutting somewhat too, but put on some muscle at the same time

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    City of Angels
    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    the cool thing was that my weight didnt change but my jeans got more loose in the I obviously dropped some bodyfat, although I was cutting somewhat too, but put on some muscle at the same time
    That's what I'd like to see. I've gotten pretty big but honestly never really shredded. I need to see some definition this time around... I even started RUNNING!!! haha... I know some oral winstrol would really speed up my results I just don't know if it would give me sides.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    yeah primo will definitely help you lean up and preserve your muscle..just do a good cutting diet and some cardio..yeah cardio sucks but its one of those necessary evils..dont really like winny..makes my joints hurt and ruins my cholesterol values..masteron is far better IMO, but you need to be somewhat lean already to reap the benefits

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I would add some test as longhorn said, even 100-200 of prop per wk is fine..


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