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Thread: Advice needed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    B'ham AL

    Advice needed

    I posted this in the HRT forum, but figured I post here as wel:

    Hey guys! I am new here and I am looking for some knowledge from anyone that cares to share it. About 7 years ago I hurt my back and also got married, and then had to little boys. In '99 I did a 12 week cycle of test cyp and dbol, however I knew nothing then about pct. Fast forward to today, I am 35 and weigh about 245lbs (26-28% bf). I have very little desire to train, I will give it a go for a few days and then get depressed and lose all motivation. I will eat good for a few days and then just stop, mostly I f up my diet late night. After reading this board I have come to the conclusion that my hormone levels are more than likely way out of whack. All the symptoms associated with low test and GH levels I have:

    Increased body fat, especially around the a**omen
    Decreased muscle mass, which can result in reduced strength or physical performance
    Feelings of depressed mood, emotional instability, social isolation, and/or anxiety

    I want to get back to where I felt most comfortable in my life. I know how to train and I am very educated on what I need to eat to obtain my goals, I just do not have the motivation to do it. In 2 years I have put on close to 40lbs. I know sad huh.

    So, I have come to the conclusion that I need to talk to a DR about this, but do I go directly to an endocrinoligst first? I dont have a primary dr here because I just moved back. How should I attack this? What should I ask for? I dont want them to just say "oh your depressed, you need this anti-depressant.

    My goals are to cut lots of BF and stop this muscle atrophy. I have read a great deal on GH as well as clenn and t3, but would you recommend those? And would the GH help me more mentally? Ya know get me out of this funk? Or should I add a small dose of test in there as well.

    Please help. I need some guidance from all of your knowledgable minds.

    Thanks in advance~

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    I am not going to suggest u take anything.... but i can tell u my results and u can apply them to ur situation however u like. I had the same problem, i knew what to do just couldnt motivaite myself to do it every day. But, my personal trainer told me something that has really stuck with me. TRaining is like merging onto the interstate.... it is slow and tedious at first but before you know it everything is going so smoothly that it becomes hard to stop. Also I started using GH and around the 3rd week i just felt better... i didnt have to nap in the day anymore.... i didnt need 10 hours of sleep to get by anymore. I was finally rested and now I excercise 6 days a week and I feel great.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    B'ham AL
    Olr77, thanks for the reply. I just read your thread on your GH experience and I am impressed. Maybe I can pick your brain some more off line. Just let me know.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    if you want to go the dr. route tell him the truth. tell him you experimented in the past and didn't do pct and ever since then you feel tired all the time and have no sex drive at all and you'd like to get some blood work done. that's what i did and my doc has me on 2iu's of humatrope along with 400 mg of test. good luck bro

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    B'ham AL
    Great feed back thus far. I will take your advice.

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