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Thread: Need help witht he best diet someone has i am overwheight and wanna drop 60 pounds

  1. #1

    Post Need help witht he best diet someone has i am overwheight and wanna drop 60 pounds

    hey i am 6'0,250,21. i am overwheight and wanna drop 60 pounds does anyone know a good diet or even good stuff to take to drop it fast.

    Thank you if u reply and give me a hand .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by spolie19 View Post
    hey i am 6'0,250,21. i am overwheight and wanna drop 60 pounds does anyone know a good diet or even good stuff to take to drop it fast.

    Thank you if u reply and give me a hand .
    You can start by going to the diet forum

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    There's a great sample diet, and a few calculators to help you to see where you stand up in the stickys. Check them out.

    Trust me, people didn't respond to me until I had a set diet for critique or a not so general question. Just read those stickys and they'll help you out tons, man.

  4. #4
    lose it fast huh? i don't think you're gonna want loose and flabby skin nor do i think you're going to be n a hurry to sacrifice hard earned muscle? why 60 lbs? do you know your bf%? or do you just want to be at 190lb because you think you'll look good there? as far as GOOD stuff to drop it FAST....there's no such thing....proper eating and caloric reductions every 1-2 weeks depending on how your body responds, hard ass training and lots of sleep over the next 6-12 months is what you should expect. That first good thing you could do to get started in dropping it fast is stay away from the fast food, drinking.
    I don't know what your caloric intake is now but at your ht and wt I'd just round to say somewhere around 3,500c a day and drop 10% every 2 weeks till summer. stay with chicken, rice, greens or exact food measurements so you know exactly how many calories you are getting with every meal. www calorie king . com can help you with that....

  5. #5
    hope that didn't sound too abrasive spolie

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by jef View Post
    hope that didn't sound too abrasive spolie
    I'd say not, more so the raw truth.

    Nothing will happen overnight.
    Lock in a solid diet and routine and stay focused and dedicated.
    70% eating 30% training.
    Alot harder to not eat crap foods when everyone around you is.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Lose it

    I used Venom Hyperdrive 3.0. I was 5'11" 19yo. and 270 lbs. With the Venom, diet and exercise like hell, at 20yo I weighed in at 188lbs.

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