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Thread: loosing hair on pct

  1. #1

    loosing hair on pct

    im on week 3 of my pct for my test cycle. i didnt lose any hair while on but right now in my 3rd week of pct im starting notice a lot of hair loss. its not that bad... but i notice it in the front now when i style my hair. i went out and bought nizoral 1% from the local drug store.... why is this happening on pct? is it permanent hairloss or can it just be shedding because of fluctuating hormones? does anyone have knowledge on this.. i used to search function didnt quite get much info... lets see what happens.. any replys are appreciated... thanks guys :-(....

    cycle was 500mg test e for 10 weeks

    pct aromasin 10 mg ed, nolva 15mg ed.

    i am also taking... zma at night. and vitamin c in da mornign 1000mg (emergence c )
    Last edited by randy6969; 03-16-2008 at 09:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    estrogen can cause hairloss as well. it could be permanant, it could not be. if it's a receding hair line it's probably not coming back. if it's hair loss in spots it's more likely to come back. the nizoral should help. if it gets really bad you could try finasteride or dutasteride. your nolva and aromasin doses are kind of low.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by gooer View Post
    estrogen can cause hairloss as well. it could be permanant, it could not be. if it's a receding hair line it's probably not coming back. if it's hair loss in spots it's more likely to come back. the nizoral should help. if it gets really bad you could try finasteride or dutasteride. your nolva and aromasin doses are kind of low.

    your right m gonna bump aromasin dose to 20mg ed.. hopefully once my hormone levels stabalize my hair would cpome back.. i actually lost it from a spot in da front.... maybe it shed off cuz if it doenst come back i wonder how much it wud cost just to get like 10 hairs grafted in that spot...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    i have shed some on pct also but it always comes back for far.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    yah if its fallin from the front, its more than likely gone

  6. #6
    pooks... thanks for the reply man.... u think what im doing is good... i started taking fish oil daily.. and nizoral everyday 1%.... ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    San Diego
    i think you are probably seeing a delay in the hair loss. i think the damage was done during the test cycle and you are seeing the effects now. the androgen surge is going to be your biggest factor

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    It could be permanent but it could also be due to fluctuating hormones. You'll only be able to tell in a few weeks/months.

  9. #9
    yeah im taking in zma at night, vitamin c 1000mg in da morning wid a multi... also fish oil, and nizoral 2% everyday... is there anything else that i can do wid the exception of taking finastride/duta, or rogain? i have really thick hair so the only place where it wud be noticeable is the front... n thats where im noticing it.. i dont see any hair on my pillow when i wake up or when i run my hands through my hair... so its weird.

  10. #10
    also does anyone know how much it would cost to do maybe 200 grafts hair transplant.... maybe i wud go for that.. n never worry about hairloss again...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    i agree with tzs68, you could be seeing the effects from the cycle...should of had some propicia on hand right away, but hopefully the nizoral will atleast hault the damage, and hopefully you'll get some back.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    crashing my boat
    Just go buy that Hair piece/bandana that Brett Michaels wears. Thats the only hair bandana combination I have ever seen

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by randy6969 View Post
    also does anyone know how much it would cost to do maybe 200 grafts hair transplant.... maybe i wud go for that.. n never worry about hairloss again...

    Shouldnt cost more than $1.5-2k for only 200 grafts.

    May not even be worth.

    Pretty sure I'm gettin it done at the end of the year..and im gettin around 600..

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    San Diego
    p.m. me if you want a good hair transplant reference in so. cal. (my brother and his friend both went there)

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I would say that your hair loss is a result of fluctuating hormones, just my opinion. I know many guys who talk of losing no hair on cycle and once PCT hits, boom, shedding.

    Nizoral, Rogaine, Finasteride or Dutasteride are your best bets. Dutasteride being the most powerful...

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