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Thread: Deca

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    I had a thread a week ago on this and i think Deca just isnt for me, not only do i feel like shit, but i don't notice much....Tren was 10 times better, W/ the same sides truthfully.....I'm sweating, pissy ect....and not happy w/ the gains......think i should kick it and finish w/ just the 500mg Test, i'm 5 wks in at this point ! Or is Deca a slow starter?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Raw Deal View Post
    I had a thread a week ago on this and i think Deca just isnt for me, not only do i feel like shit, but i don't notice much....Tren was 10 times better, W/ the same sides truthfully.....I'm sweating, pissy ect....and not happy w/ the gains......think i should kick it and finish w/ just the 500mg Test, i'm 5 wks in at this point ! Or is Deca a slow starter?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    I would say ur deca is proly fake if u dont feel anything at all. It kicked n by the end of the second week for me but it takes sum people 4-6wks for it to start working. And i have never heard of anybody having more sides w/deca then tren...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    Are you running it alone? Who said you see gains from it in 5 weeks?? You have to be patient for that.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Canada - No source checks
    whats the dose you're running, you're being pretty vague.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    whats the dose you're running, you're being pretty vague.
    Well i started w/ 750 mg test-E/ 550mg deca/ and 50mg dball ED...
    Last week chuck L told me that mabe my test was to high and making the Nandrolone sides come out more, so i backed down to 500mg Test,
    and 413mg deca a wk/ still running 50mg Dball....I have gained don't get me wrong, but doesnt seem any different than if i was running a test Cycle w/ dball kick.................Now it's posible that the deca hasnt kicked , YES?
    What i have noticed is that on INJ days w/ the Deca...i sweat like a motha at night...Hell just like Tren...Maybe i react like this to nandrolones / IDK........But im pissy too, and have Anxioty................Test usally makes me happy go Lucky...I don't want to lower deca more than 400mg...Everything ive read says that it should be atleast that, and 12 wks min.......
    PS..deca isnt fake, have had the same supplier for years.....
    Last edited by Raw Deal; 04-17-2008 at 09:08 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Raw Deal View Post
    Well i started w/ 750 mg test-E/ 550mg deca/ and 50mg dball ED...
    Last week chuck L told me that mabe my test was to high and making the Nandrolone sides come out more, so i backed down to 500mg Test,
    and 413mg deca a wk/ still running 50mg Dball....I have gained don't get me wrong, but doesnt seem any different than if i was running a test Cycle w/ dball kick.................Now it's posible that the deca hasnt kicked , YES?
    What i have noticed is that on INJ days w/ the Deca...i sweat like a motha at night...Hell just like Tren...Maybe i react like this to nandrolones / IDK........But im pissy too, and have Anxioty................Test usally makes me happy go Lucky...I don't want to lower deca more than 400mg...Everything ive read says that it should be atleast that, and 12 wks min.......
    PS..deca isnt fake, have had the same supplier for years.....
    If ur only getting sweats on the days u do the injection then they might have used NPP instead of deca??? U never really know WTF kinda shit they put n the vials. I know a guy that makes two brands of gear and one brand is 100% legit were as the other one is a brand. Most of them are test when the vail says tren, deca, eq ect its almost always just test

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
    If ur only getting sweats on the days u do the injection then they might have used NPP instead of deca??? U never really know WTF kinda shit they put n the vials. I know a guy that makes two brands of gear and one brand is 100% legit were as the other one is a brand. Most of them are test when the vail says tren, deca, eq ect its almost always just test
    Well i sure hope that that isnt my case, because my last purchase was around 30 vials of diff products, if i wanted all test thats what i would of gotten...I have all A _ _ _ gear ! Who knows so fed up w/ the gamble it's making me want to be done w/ this shit, Well not really, LOL.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Raw Deal View Post
    Well i sure hope that that isnt my case, because my last purchase was around 30 vials of diff products, if i wanted all test thats what i would of gotten...I have all A _ _ _ gear ! Who knows so fed up w/ the gamble it's making me want to be done w/ this shit, Well not really, LOL.
    Well there are rumors on other boards abot DECA/ And Now TREN from
    A _ _ _ all being Test, or OIL....all there gear is now Clear, and i'm no chemist, but i find it very hard to beleive that the Powder FROM Tren is so pure it is now CLEAR !!!!!!!!!!!! Light in color is one thing, CLEAR AS WATER IS ANOTHER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANYBODY HAVE KNOWLAGE ABOUT THIS TREN/ DECA STUFF !

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