Originally Posted by
Raw Deal
Well i started w/ 750 mg test-E/ 550mg deca/ and 50mg dball ED...
Last week chuck L told me that mabe my test was to high and making the Nandrolone sides come out more, so i backed down to 500mg Test,
and 413mg deca a wk/ still running 50mg Dball....I have gained don't get me wrong, but doesnt seem any different than if i was running a test Cycle w/ dball kick.................Now it's posible that the deca hasnt kicked , YES?
What i have noticed is that on INJ days w/ the Deca...i sweat like a motha at night...Hell just like Tren...Maybe i react like this to nandrolones / IDK........But im pissy too, and have Anxioty................Test usally makes me happy go Lucky...I don't want to lower deca more than 400mg...Everything ive read says that it should be atleast that, and 12 wks min.......
PS..deca isnt fake, have had the same supplier for years.....