I have been taking Deca and Test prop for the past 4-5 weeks and starting to get gynocomastia, i have Noveldex available to me, now can i take Noveldex while still on both Deca and Test??
I have been taking Deca and Test prop for the past 4-5 weeks and starting to get gynocomastia, i have Noveldex available to me, now can i take Noveldex while still on both Deca and Test??
yes, do a search there is plenty of information on here about this, but yes you can take the Nolvadex while on Test and deca , I am taking Liquidex while on same cycle, and take .25mg every day, because I am very gyno prone and already show signs and am only 1 week into cycle. Liquidex is great at battling gyno symptoms and is also great at combating water retention. I would recommend it over Nolvadex, save the Nolvadex for PCT. Just my opinion
yes .although your gyno may be prolactin related as this about the time your decca is kicking in so you may need cabergoline if the nolva does not help.i would doubt the test is causing your gyno unless your overweight .higher fat levels give test more enzymes to convert to estro .if your not fat and youve been using prop for 5 wks i would say its the deca in which case caber will help
IS gyno reversable? it is my understanding that once it starts and is visible you are stuck with it unless removed from surgery.
I i disgree with both of thoughs Bro's..You should never take a Serm like Nolva when on a nandrolone, it can make GYNO worse...Also i don't know why people think it's not the test..test is one of the AS that convert to estrogen the most Bro..So it is likly that it is the test, Unless you have run A test only cycle and know your not prone to it..If i were you i would Run some LETRO wich will Minimize the Estrogen in your body, and if it is the DECA you will also be safe trying That instead of making it worse w/ a Serm........Start out By cuting the Letro into 4 pcs..there 2.5 mg each, so you would be running Aprox .5/.6 ED And see how that helps..it will take a bit to get letro into your blood and for blood levels to norm..so dont expect it in a week, but you should start to notice the tenderness going away....
On a personal note I prefer adex for gyno while cycling
You should not use nolva while using a 19nor.
^ many Due, alot less harsh, so it doesnt diminish gains so badly..i on the other hand am so prone to Gyno(well acually have it ) that i need a harsher AI..infact for me Letro has to be run at 2.5mg EOD...But i'm another case..i have to get surgery this winter..hopfully you are not that prone to this !
So since you said never to take Noveldex while on deca do u suggest stopping the deca and just running the test and nov??
You should be able to get A-dex, Letro or similar within 5 days from our sponsor. If you're getting gyno though I would consider stopping altogether, trying to reverse the gyno, and then starting with a Test only cycle. This is why board members recommend test only as a first cycle, so you know how your body will react and you will know where the sides are coming from when you add more compounds.
Nebie on test and a nandrolone as you now see can be a didaster...I try and say this alot to warn Bro's, but for now you have the cards you ben delt, so go from here and eather stop^^ like said above..or buy the Letro ..Wich is what i would doe, because if you stop alltogether, depending on how long you been on, the Deca has Shut you down, and you will have to do PCT...all sounds like a waste of Money to me, so spend $100 on Letro and keep going..But thats what i would do, always make your own desision after you have researched !
Last edited by Raw Deal; 05-05-2008 at 11:06 AM.
this is the 2nd thread you opened asking the same exact question
a new thread will not change the answers of the 1st
man i learn more every time i visit this forum .i did not know a serm could make gyno worse when using 19 nor that explains a few issues i had .then again letro didnt work for me either caber fixed my problem .but i also know how 19 nor affect me .test does not give me gyno issues but the 19 nors do.
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