Originally Posted by
The Iron Game
A summary of my other post.
"When pharmacological amounts of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) are administered to normal men, direct secretion of estradiol by the testis increases in proportion to the enhancement of testosterone secretion [J Clin Inves 1971; 53:1-6]."
If you wish to use HCG, it should only be done mid cycle, to the time before clomid therapy is started. It should not be used in conjunction with clomid and is used only for two reasons.
1. Because you want your sex drive increased &
2. Because you want your balls to hang lower
Now as far as # 1 if this is your only purpose then forget using it. There are many other things out there that wont possibly add a pair of tits to you as well.
Remember if there aint a problem dont try finding a solution. If your ball size is ok and you want an increased sex drive then dont even think about hcg.
Nolvadex is a must but not only this make sure you have an aromatase inhibitor in use as well. Nolvadex is an used for its antagonist properties. What will happen is that the nolva will block the increase of estrogen from binding to the er but once nolvadex is stopped then the excess estrogen will strike vengeance upon thee. This is the purpose of using an aromatase inhibitor is to prevent this problem.
"I am not convinced that even arimidex or like can help prevent the production of estradiol, or its side effects, caused by hCG use. This is because the estrogen production happens within the balls rather than in peripheral tissue" (Doc Mark)
In most cases it is not needed for the average newbie cycle and I personally can only think of its use dedicated to trenbolone and nandrolone.
If you are sensitive to gyno or acne. Stay away.