Alright people, im new here but been reading this forum for about 6 months now and joined, full of real good information.
Im looking to do a Anavar cycle with a little winstrol thrown in. Was just after positive advice and help, its going to be a oral one which i know isn't a favourate here. but is good for my life style.
Cycle is as follows
1-6 weeks Anavar @ 50mg e/d
3-6 weeks Winstrol @ 50mg e/d
Plenty of Milk thistle e/d, Zinc and gallons of water.
With a good diet of faty/ammio acids, proteins, and carbs.
Will prob run kre-alkayin ( creatine ) at the same time.
With a Nolvadex as PCT for 40/40/20/20 week after finishing.
I have previously run a Winstrol only cycle about 6 months ago and gained about 10lbs and had no trouble.
stats are
age: 26
hei: 6ft 4in
wei: 215lbs
b/f: 14/15%
bench: 210lbs
Im looking to gain stenght and lean muscle more than size and weight..
Thanks in advance for your feed back.