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Thread: preventing the aromatizing effects of hcg

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    preventing the aromatizing effects of hcg

    im aproaching the end of a mild cycle 500 mg of test a wk and 300 mg of eq a wk im aged in my mid 40s and thought i would add hcg at the end of my cycle. im planning on running hcg at 500 iu twice a week duiring the last two weeks of test injections and 300 iu 3 times a week for the two weeks after my last test injection and then start clomid and nolva for pct. i have ben using nolva throughout the duration of this cycle . is nolva enough to combat the aromatizing effects of the hcg or should i add an ai for the hcg?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I personally do not like running HCG during cycle....i recover a lot faster using it during and increasing my dose right before i end my cycle.....i am very sensitive to hcg, so i use low doses, but if your not too sensitive, and at those dosages, nolva should be fine...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    The Center Ring
    yeah definately have nolvadex on hand

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    What dose are you running the nolva? I actually had gyno syptoms the very first time I ran HCG.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    ve jay jay land
    aromasin would give you more protection and be better for your pct along with nolvadex, I just hate the price of aromasin compared to the other AI.

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