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Thread: test e or c

  1. #1

    test e or c

    i have read a lot of posts where people say they prefer test e over test c. what is the major differences? Should i seek out e, it is much easier for me to get ahold of test c.

  2. #2
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    the only difference is the ester which the difference between these 2 esters is not much a difference they are both long esters ive used both and had more success with test c but its just a matter of prefrence

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
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    test c is typically 200mg/ml, test e is often 250mg/ml, although there are exceptions to both. other than that the differences are few, on cycle given dosages were the same the effects would be the same.

  4. #4
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    another words you should use whichever you can get for a better price since they will both yield the same results
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  5. #5
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    100mg of test E will yield more actual testosterone then 100mg of test C but not by much. They are basically the same.

  6. #6
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    You also hear of test c crashing more often that test e.......but they are basically the same.....

  7. #7
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    the difference is negligable imo.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by TndmSlt View Post
    i have read a lot of posts where people say they prefer test e over test c. what is the major differences? Should i seek out e, it is much easier for me to get ahold of test c.
    honestly they act very similar,,,almost identical IMO.

  9. #9
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    Cypionate and Enanthate esters are one proton different from one another. I like test e personally because u can squeeze bigger amnt in the same amount of oil. But mg for mg doesn't make a difference. 250 of cyp is just as good as 250 of test e.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstraw428 View Post
    You also hear of test c crashing more often that test e.......but they are basically the same.....
    what do you mean by crashing

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by nyjetsfan86 View Post
    what do you mean by crashing
    some bro logic ive heard from homebrewers is that their solution crashes when trying to make higher concentrations with cyp rather than enth.

    personally i am running some cyp dosed at 300mgs/ml with no crashing issues.

    i have also seen test blends at 500mgs/ml

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by PrideFEDOR View Post
    Cypionate and Enanthate esters are one proton different from one another. I like test e personally because u can squeeze bigger amnt in the same amount of oil. But mg for mg doesn't make a difference. 250 of cyp is just as good as 250 of test e.
    You can make test c just as strong as you can test e....the only reason a lot of people dont, is that test c has a tendency to crash alot easier due to its melting point being almost twice that of test E....

    They are literally the same, except for test c has 1 more carbon molecule than test e....

  13. #13
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    Test e, basically melts in your hand..that is why it goes into solution so easily....cypionate, on the other hand has a melting point almost 2x that of enanthate...therefore, it is alot easier for it to crash(come out of solution or recrystalize)

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    some bro logic ive heard from homebrewers is that their solution crashes when trying to make higher concentrations with cyp rather than enth.

    personally i am running some cyp dosed at 300mgs/ml with no crashing issues.

    i have also seen test blends at 500mgs/ml
    so this is only a problem with home brews or ugls not a legit lab

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstraw428 View Post
    You can make test c just as strong as you can test e....the only reason a lot of people dont, is that test c has a tendency to crash alot easier due to its melting point being almost twice that of test E....

    They are literally the same, except for test c has 1 more carbon molecule than test e....
    lol u funny js
    I dunno bro why u highlighter my thing and wrote u can make one thing as strong as the other when test is test and u can't make it stronger or weaker. If ur talking about concentrations , even then, u can ALWAYS - even in 100% EO recepie, u can squeeze more E than C because melting point of E is lower and its almost liquid at room temp.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by nyjetsfan86 View Post
    so this is only a problem with home brews or ugls not a legit lab
    pharm grade companies never dose over 250mgs/ml for enth and 200mgs for cyp for whatever reason, hrt dose etc and to keep a stable solution im assuming

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by PrideFEDOR View Post
    lol u funny js
    I dunno bro why u highlighter my thing and wrote u can make one thing as strong as the other when test is test and u can't make it stronger or weaker. If ur talking about concentrations , even then, u can ALWAYS - even in 100% EO recepie, u can squeeze more E than C because melting point of E is lower and its almost liquid at room temp.
    the melting point really would not effect how high you can get the would deal more with getting it to hold....but trust me can get the concentration of test c just as high as test e....

  18. #18
    thanks again guys

  19. #19
    test e or c???????

    same dog, different tree!!!!!

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    pharm grade companies never dose over 250mgs/ml for enth and 200mgs for cyp for whatever reason, hrt dose etc and to keep a stable solution im assuming
    about 6 months ago i bought a vial of test c claiming to be dosed at 250mgs/ml at 13ml /vial.... have you never heard of it dosed as such. i thinks the company was like usa pharmaceuticals or something like that

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