ok getting everything together. gonna run sustanon 250 at 500 milligrams for 12 weeks. gonna have a kick start of d bol at 30 milligrams for first month. then in last month wanted to throw in some anavar at maybe 50 milligrams. then bringe it into pct for two weeks after i stop the sustanon. my question is mostly about the anavar. is this dose enough for gains? im looking for it mostly to lean me out alittle and make my jump to pct alittle smoother. what u guys think? any suggestions? gonna have letro on hand in case of gyno. and gonna use nolva at 40/40/20/20 for pct. and maybe use some letro on pct. Also was curious if i should break up the sustanon dose into two 250 milligram doses or is 1 shot of 500 ok? gonna have support supps as well. like milk thistle hawthorn berry and a joint supplement. any suggestions?