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Thread: first cycle suggestions?

  1. #1

    first cycle suggestions?

    ok getting everything together. gonna run sustanon 250 at 500 milligrams for 12 weeks. gonna have a kick start of d bol at 30 milligrams for first month. then in last month wanted to throw in some anavar at maybe 50 milligrams. then bringe it into pct for two weeks after i stop the sustanon. my question is mostly about the anavar. is this dose enough for gains? im looking for it mostly to lean me out alittle and make my jump to pct alittle smoother. what u guys think? any suggestions? gonna have letro on hand in case of gyno. and gonna use nolva at 40/40/20/20 for pct. and maybe use some letro on pct. Also was curious if i should break up the sustanon dose into two 250 milligram doses or is 1 shot of 500 ok? gonna have support supps as well. like milk thistle hawthorn berry and a joint supplement. any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    can you post your stats for us?


  3. #3
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Welcome to AR

    we do need your stats before we can advise

    bodyfat %

    Sust needs to be injected EOD (every other day)

  4. #4
    bf:about 10%
    been training 10 years and been researching aas since i was 16. wow eod? if i want to be running at 500 milligrams. then how much would i inject eod? like 100? im not sure if that a route i want to go. i want to keep the pinning to a minimal. cause i need to keep this out of the eyes of my girl so if i can pin only once or twice a week that would be better. i was also thinking of using test c. can u guys alaborate on this more for me?

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
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    test c could be shot twice a week, better choice.

  6. #6
    oh and my diet is pretty clean. i have 6 meals a day. about 300 grams of protien a day and about 350 grams of carbs. and i take in healthy fats from different sources. like fish oil,flaxseed and peanut butter. but definatly am going to up my overall caloric intake when i start my cycle.

  7. #7
    ok the test c seems like a better choice for me then. so would i break it up into two 250 milligram shots. so say i want to have my first shot of the week on tuesday. would i have the other on friday?

  8. #8
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    yep 2 250mg shots, tues/fri is fine. just try to stay evenly split through the week.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    IMO! your 1st cycle should be simple.
    12 weeks of Test E or Test C only Will be fine.
    Plus PCT.

  10. #10
    ok. so would i just have to have it every three days or can i just go tuesday and friday? cause from friday to tuesday it would be four days so would i just do it monday and keep moving things around or is tuesday and friday ok?

  11. #11
    i still feel like it will be pretty simple. just i have two orals thrown in. i was originally just gonna have to d ball but after some research i feel like the anavar would be a great addition in the last month to make me alittle harder and drop some bodyfat. then after my final shot continue taking the anavar for two weeks before jumping in my pct. dont u guy think that will make for a smoother transition to pct? and a better overall cycle. even if it is only my first?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    If I were you I would run this!

    Week 1-12 Test C 500mg shot every 3.5days

    Week 1-4 D-bol (optional)

    PCT starts 18 days after last shot of Test C

    PCT= Clomid and nolvadex.

    I would not use anavar coz it's my 1st cycle.


  13. #13
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    at 5'10 and only 170, you could/should be able to put on another 20 lbs NATURALLY

    so you will need to step up your diet IF you want to grow

  14. #14
    yes i know my diet shall go up when i start. just to let u guys know this is the smallest i've been in a long time. i was originally 185-190 at about 8% but i got into a bad moto accident and had to have surgery and lost alot of weight and could no longer train for about 6 months. i've be back about 4 months and went from 155 to 170. so i think im doing ok on the diet and training end. im just ready to take it to the next level. i plan on competing next year in march at the san diego classic.

  15. #15
    so i wanted to know if i have to have a shot every three days or is it ok to have it on tuesday and friday. so that one would be after three days and one would be after four days. would this make a bit of an inbalance in my test levels or is it ok??

  16. #16
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnE47 View Post
    so i wanted to know if i have to have a shot every three days or is it ok to have it on tuesday and friday. so that one would be after three days and one would be after four days. would this make a bit of an inbalance in my test levels or is it ok??
    just go 3.5 days to keep blood levels stable

    if you do say, tuesday at 9 am , then the next shot would be Friday at 9 PM

  17. #17
    ok that works for me. would that shot at 9pm on friday affect sleep? alittle more on me. im taking remeron at 15mg at night for sleep and anxiety. i dont think that would affect my cycle but i wanted to throw that in there.

  18. #18
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnE47 View Post
    ok that works for me. would that shot at 9pm on friday affect sleep? alittle more on me. im taking remeron at 15mg at night for sleep and anxiety. i dont think that would affect my cycle but i wanted to throw that in there.
    It shouldn't , but you don't have to use those exact times. I was just giving you and example of what 3.5 days would be

    do what works for you. if 7 am on tues and 7pm on friday works for you, then do that

    and hour here or there won't effect blood levels too much

  19. #19
    ok and i know the test c take about three weeks to kick in. that why the d ball will be nice. what about the anavar. is that a sufficiant dose or should i up it? and is there any little things i might be missing?

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