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Thread: First Cycle

  1. #1

    First Cycle

    Sorry, posted this twice, was posted in the total wrong section before.

    Myself and the brother are looking to start our first cycle. Question is, if you had the following available to you, what would you recommend to begin with.

    nytrex, stromba, dianabol
    deca, trenbolone acetate, test cyp, test enanthate.
    stanozolol winstrol
    b12 jabs

    Obviously some of these wouldn't be recommended for a first cycle, but I thought I'd include it all anyways. I'm thinking possibly, dbol to help kick start the cycle, test enanthate and naps. What you's think? Any help/advice would be laregly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Stats by the way are

    age 18
    weight 180lbs
    height 6"3
    bf% 10/11%

    Diet is solid. Love the nutritional side so have been researching into proper eating for a long time now.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    SOuthern Cali
    too young bro 18 you could do some permanent dmg

  4. #4
    I knew I'd get that reply, and your right but I want to do this. Mad maybe.

    I'm not the only 18year old to engage in steroids so please try and look past the age and accept that I've made the decision to go down that road. I could do with your wise words of wisdom (bar the wise words you've allready spoke haha). You may be reluctant to give advice on steroid use to an 18year old, but truth is I'll be starting on a cycle sometime shortly anyways, so any advice you can give me would at least make it 'slightly' safer.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    It would be foolish to take steroids at your age, for the reason posted.
    Also with those stats you obviously have lots of natural growth still to be had, so why risk shutting down your HPTA and possibly causing permanant damage when you still have tons of natural testosterone.

  6. #6
    Also, I'll be beginning with ingesting them orally. Which I know is the most damageable way, I'll be switching to injections asap, just getting introduced to the world orally first.

  7. #7
    Cycling correctly and with proper PCT the risks of doing that LATS60 is reduced significantly though isn't it?

  8. #8
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    Well i'm no expert..but i have experience and some decent knowledge..I know how hard headed people can be at 18..and i know regardless your going to do that you don't hurt yourself..i will give you a very basic cycle..which is honestly all you need..don't think you need to stack anything will get awsome results. With Test will take about 4 weeks for you to begin feeling and noticing the the first month is waiting game...just remember that its going to hit you around week 4..strength goes up and size.

    Test Enan Weeks 1-12 500mgs a week or ever 400mgs will do you good

    Anti e's = Nolvadex.. keep on hand..if you get symptoms during cycle(itchy nipples, burning..etc) begin taking 20mg a day all the way through Post Cycle therapy.
    get some Armidex for bloating... .25mg a day so that you don't retain to much water..bloating sux

    Clomid for post cycle .. run atleast 4 weeks ..100mgs a day for the first 10days
    and 50mgs a day for next 3 weeks..along with nolva like i said.. oct will start 2 weeks after your last Test enanthate shot

    While on cycle..keep your carb intake and protein intake about the same: say...: 300grams protein and carbs..3500calorie diet or more a day also.

    take your vitamans..and get a blood test done after your post cycle is finished.
    Last edited by hellapimpin; 02-15-2009 at 08:10 AM.

  9. #9
    Thanks very much for that, I have to leave for work now but I'm sure i'll return with maybe a question or two. Thx

  10. #10
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    SOuthern Cali
    Don't drink your stuff...that's wasting it

    talking about Test E of course.. don't forget its 2shots a week..mon and thurs is pretty easy rule of thumb. Read up on spot injections also .. glutes, quads, and shoulders are pretty easy to up on Aspirating..everything that has to do with injecting..because a nasty infection could cost you more then just some pain.......

  11. #11
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    I know you dont' want to hear this, your age, you have tons of natural hormones running through your body. Taking steroids now WILL shut off all those hormones and you risk them not turning back on , or screwing them up if they do turn back on.

    you risk prematurely fusing your growth plates, high blood pressure, sexual side effects...just to name a few

    at your height, you could easily put on about 50 lbs to your frame Naturally WITHOUT steroids

    Steroids work with FOOD and knowing how to eat to utilize what the steroids can do

    It is obvious by your 180 lbs that you do NOT know the right way to eat to grow, and if you can't get to your natural potential without steroids, chances are you are going to LOSE most if not ALL of your gains made on the steroids PLUS adding all the other risks mentioned..

    Please read this link:

  12. #12
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ModernWarrior View Post
    I knew I'd get that reply, and your right but I want to do this. Mad maybe.

    I'm not the only 18year old to engage in steroids so please try and look past the age and accept that I've made the decision to go down that road. I could do with your wise words of wisdom (bar the wise words you've allready spoke haha). You may be reluctant to give advice on steroid use to an 18year old, but truth is I'll be starting on a cycle sometime shortly anyways, so any advice you can give me would at least make it 'slightly' safer.

    Just because you are not the only one, doesn't make it OK to do or safer. We tell all of them the risks,

    and we have had NUMEROUS older men come on here and tell us how they screwed up at 18 and wished they NEVER started so early.

    You are impatient and ready to JUMP into using steroids WITHOUT having all the knowledge you need to at least do them safely

    You do NOT start with an oral and then switch to injections, there is a right way a safe way, and then there is the way you seem to be going about this

    Why not wait and LEARN and show some maturity by being more concerned about doing things correctly instead of just doing this to do it

    either way.......GOOD LUCK

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by hellapimpin View Post
    Don't drink your stuff...that's wasting it

    talking about Test E of course.. don't forget its 2shots a week..mon and thurs is pretty easy rule of thumb. Read up on spot injections also .. glutes, quads, and shoulders are pretty easy to up on Aspirating..everything that has to do with injecting..because a nasty infection could cost you more then just some pain.......
    So i should be starting with injections right from the off?

  14. #14
    Im not sure if I can get armidex or clomid... Test E and nolvadex is a check, but as for the other 2 I'll have to do a little more searching.

  15. #15
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    WHY don't they EVER listen...... You are blind to everything in this thread telling you that your not ready, and all you seem to read are the posts with what you want to hear in them......thanks for proving to be just another typical immature 18 year old with NO concern for his health!!

    Good luck kid !!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    WHY don't they EVER listen...... You are blind to everything in this thread telling you that your not ready, and all you seem to read are the posts with what you want to hear in them......thanks for proving to be just another typical immature 18 year old with NO concern for his health!!

    Good luck kid !!

    Your Right T..

    but i don't want this kid to end up hurting himself..and we all know even after some of the things that were said to him in here..and Trust me kid..i feel the same way as the others..I don't want you to hurt yourself because i know you will do the cycle anyways..might as well do it right

    yes inject first..Don't drink your Test ....i laid out a cycle for you..up to you to get the stuff and research some of the other stuff involved..please read up on how to inject...don't want to inject into a vein or get an infection that will have to be cut out of you ..and some other serious things that have potential to happen..

  17. #17
    Can't get armidex anywhere, it'll be fine to use clenbuterol in its place yes?

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