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Thread: turinabol vs superdrol to kickstart

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    turinabol vs superdrol to kickstart

    That ´superdrol beats dianabol´ thread really got me thinking. Am toying between the following for my up coming cycle;

    Tbol 60-80mg wks 1-4


    Superdrol 30mg wks 1-3

    Just looking into which one works out the more expensive considering you have to buy cycle support with sd. Reason I am cutting the tbol at wk4 is I want to feel when the test en really starts to take effect, the general consensus is it comes 4-6 weeks in.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Superdrol for sure, tbol takes way too long to kick in for a kickstart drug

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    IMO it should go like this

    1) Methyl Tren
    3) Superdrol
    4) Tbol
    5) Dbol

    People will debate A-bomb over SD, but I feel A-bombs still have the edge.

    Tbol beats SD in the sense that Tbol's gains take longer to "kick in" but are more likely to be kept compared to the 10-15lbs you gain in 3 weeks of SD. But Tbol isn't ideal for a kickstart.

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