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Thread: advice please

  1. #1

    advice please

    I am 25 years old 189 pounds and about 6 foot. I am around 14-15% body fat. I have been working out since high school. But just maybe the past year I have been really commited. I really havent taken many sups. I have dont alot of research and thinking about do a cycle of Test E. Should I wait and just try some sups? If so what would you suggest. I read so much stuff its crazy so I really want man to man advice. Im really kinda anxious to cycle. But also is my body fat % too high Ive read alot that it needs to be at least around 12 to really be able to see the results well. I mean of course your gonna pack on weight but at 15% body fat are ya really gonna be able to see the muscle ya know. Any advice would be awesome.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    it is certainly possible to cycle at that bf,

    but I'm more concerned that you've been working out for 7 years,

    and are 6', 190, 15%bf.

    I'd go post up your diet and training routine for critique,

    get those squared away before thinking about a cycle.

    also, no need really for any supps. Once you get your diet down, you'll be surprised at the results.

    good luck

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