was thinking about giving a low dose of m1t a try with test. just 10mg for 3 weeks or so... i was wondering for those who have tried it, how were your gains and was it worth it?
was thinking about giving a low dose of m1t a try with test. just 10mg for 3 weeks or so... i was wondering for those who have tried it, how were your gains and was it worth it?
No m1t fans here?
I'll bite, oh pick me, pick me, what is it BRo?
10mgs for 3 weeks?????
well maybe 4 weeks. 10mg is enough too see gains. its very potent
we use to sell it at the max muscle i worked at 5 years ago. its basically like dballs little sister.
good for a jumpstart i guess.
Is this an OTC?
naw it use to be then they banned it
i remember sitting at the desk at max muslce reading my anabolics 2005 book and seeing m1t and looking at it on our shelves lol.
Man, the way nobody wanted to answer my stupied ? I thought it was some kinda of secret super roid.
Just another banned OTC. Ok, thanks BJ!
not from my xp but to each his own
10mg bro
60mg a day for about 4 months lol. was spiting up blood. liver enzymes through the roof. 2 gyno surgeries i knew exactly what i was doing obv.
id go higher than that 20-30 at least
oh ya then i jumped into a 4 month log cycle ha
dont take 60mgs for 4 months like that guy
that should go without saying. i took it alone to had no idea what i was doing. just wanted to be the biggest 19 year old ever. fail... ha
when i took it i thought it was 5 or 10mg
I took it 8 or so years ago, at 30mg ed and had prostate enlargment issues about 3 weeks in. I won't mess with it again.
yeah i thought so man. i remember someone saying they get lethargy on only 10mg
awesome gains....looking about 20lbs in 4 weeks with a good diet
but the emotional effect and speed it shuts u down is Fvcktarded!!! you just wanna suicide yourself after...terrible stuff imho...but if u can deal with the sides..the strength and mass is unmatched
It felt like I was pissing with a hard on, and I finished and stopped the stream it felt like a prostate cramp from busting 4 or 5 nuts in a session. My doctor listened to my symptoms, stuck his fingers up my ass, and told me my prostate was enlarged. I didn't have a bladder infection or anything.
So I always assumed that's what caused it since it started after I started the cycle, and ended within a few days of stopping it and never came back.
ouch man, sorry to hear
tried m1t , about 5 years back , my strength went up dramatically , but i felt very lathargic all the time. my girlfriend at the time was pissed , about 2.5 weeks in , my libido went down . i wouldnt use it again. my experience with it anyway.
wow. thats ****ing scary to say the least
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