i am 32 5ft 10 180lbs with 20% body fat eat healthy and all the time workout 6 days a week a friend of mine just got some dbol and winstrol and told me if i took the winstrol it would help to cut up so i thought well he takes it some i would try some have been taking 20mg every day for two weeks now and want to start to take dbol with winstrol i have 4 weeks left to complete winstrol cycle and want to knoe if i take dbol with it for next 4 weeks is that a good idea and would i gain from dbol i take oral winstrol but would be injecting the dbol and for PCT i am going to take nolvadex weather i take the dbol or not and if i take dbol with winstrol what else besides nolvadex should i take for PCT i no i didnt do my research before i took winstrol but if anyone could help will be very greatful thanks