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Thread: newbie needs some help please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    newbie needs some help please

    i am 32 5ft 10 180lbs with 20% body fat eat healthy and all the time workout 6 days a week a friend of mine just got some dbol and winstrol and told me if i took the winstrol it would help to cut up so i thought well he takes it some i would try some have been taking 20mg every day for two weeks now and want to start to take dbol with winstrol i have 4 weeks left to complete winstrol cycle and want to knoe if i take dbol with it for next 4 weeks is that a good idea and would i gain from dbol i take oral winstrol but would be injecting the dbol and for PCT i am going to take nolvadex weather i take the dbol or not and if i take dbol with winstrol what else besides nolvadex should i take for PCT i no i didnt do my research before i took winstrol but if anyone could help will be very greatful thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
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    This is a terrible idea lol, he's really not that much of a good friend if he's telling you to do winstrol with dbol..

    First off your diet or training are going wrong somewhere. 20% bf indicates this.

    Using steroids with such a high bf% means you run the higher risk of high bp and gyno.

    You will also be shutting your bodies natural test prodution down with a winny and dbol only cycle..

    I would recomend you read the educational threads before you continue with your cycle lol...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
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    You need to take your time and read through this thread lol

    Learn for yourself what it is that your putting into your body, that way your friends cant cause you any serious health problems..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    newbie needs help please

    ok thanks i am going to keep taking the winstrol for 4 weeks because it is starting to work am getting more definition and wont take anything else after that because i dont want to get big just want to look like im flexing when just standing still and relaxed and my friend looks that way so i thought he new what he was talking about so please let me no if u think im wasting my time taking the rest of winstrol i have ? and my diet consists of oatmeal and 2 bananas evry moring with a protien shake and 4 amino tabs then 2 hours later have orange and a banana then for lunch i have can of tuna grapes orange and banana then 2 hour later i have some more friut then drink N O exsplode 30mins before workout and et some whole wheat bread after workout have protien shake and chicken green beans and corn or apple sause also drink a gallon of water a day and some time i eat peanutbutter and walnuts for a snack and eat some type of friut before i go to bed so if u have any diet advise or things i am donig wrong please tell me thanks for ur eairly advise

  5. #5
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Apr 2006
    diet is not good. check out our diet section and ask the guys there.

    winny is gonna shut down your natural testosterone. men tend to feel better and get erections when they have TEST flowing in their body !!

    you may want to rethink what you are doing

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    stop taking the winny bro...u have been lucky to not suffer any sides however there is no need to push ur luck..
    please research what winn y alone can do to ur system..
    follow matt advice, read for urself what ur putting in ur body....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    thankyou i will stop taking winny and will check out the diet section what is the best legal product o help cut up hydroxycut or something like that my only goal is to get as cut as possible and stay that way with hard work so please any advise and best diet to help get me there will stop taking winni what would be the best type of cycle for a beginner like me to yake and the best pct?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    newbie needs some help please

    sorry re submitted by mistake

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    How is it even possible you are getting results in 2 weeks off of a dose like 20mg Ed?? That is not even close to a high enough dose to be producing results for you! 40,60,80mg a day is what is normally used and do not know of anyone using it at such a low dose and seeing results after only 2 weeks!
    I wanted to know also why your friend would take d-bol with winny? and most important, why would he get injectable d-bol and oral winny?/ that really confuses me!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    newbie needs help please

    friend said who he buys from this what theyhad as far as him take winni and dbol together was his choice not mine and he is ripped up like crazy so my dumb ass listened to him and i have read on here people taking 50mgs every other day so thats the same as 20mg a day and when i say results they are very minimal but can notice more definition not any bigger and muscles are getting harder and i feel strong because i am lifting more than i was 2 weeks ago i bought 42 pills to take 20mgs a day for six weeks but if i start tommorrow i have enough to take 40mgs for the next 2 weeks do u recomend i do that and will take nolvadex for pct and do u think i should start the nolvadex last 2 weeks before my cycle ends have read on here that some people take nolvadex during and after a cycle and have read some people only take it after the cycle and they start taking it the next day after the cycle ends also i have read on here the people take nolvadex 40mgs first 2 weeks then 20mgs for two weeks also read take 100mgs first day then take 60mgs for a week and then take 40mgs for a week also read take only 20mgs a day for a month so im a little con fused if u could help i no i went about this the wrong way it wasnt planned just kinda happened so now that im in it would like to be as safe as possible and make sure i have a good pct to limit possible side effects and would like to take some test in the future how long befor i could take test after i cycle off winni and would test be good to take just by its self ? no looking to cycle on and off for months or years but since i have been taking winni would like to take something to gain some size sorry for such a long post just trying to learn thankyou for your help

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