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Thread: Adversity

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Look up in the sky...


    I recently heard someone tell the following story and it helped me out during this difficult time so thought I would share it.

    A young girl complains to her Mother that life has too much adversity for her it is unfair and she doesn't understand why it has to happen to her. She was depressed.

    Her Mother took out three pots and filled them with water.

    In the first she cut up raw carrots. The second one she put raw eggs in. The third she puts in coffee beans.

    She put all three on the stove and turned on the burners. After they boiled about 15 minutes she took them off. She put the boiled carrots on a plate, and then a boiled egg on the plate, and laddled out some coffee into a cup and put them in front of the young girl.

    "Ok, so what is your point Mother?"

    "The three substances were all put under the same adversity, boiling water. The Carrotts went in hard and crunchy, but came out soft and mushy. The eggs went in hard on the outside and runny on the inside, and came out hard on the inside and soft on the outside.

    But the coffee never changed at all. the beans are still the beans. The coffee changed the adversity and made it full of flavor and aroma.

    Honey, I guess what I am saying is that in life we will all have very simular adversity, the difference is going to be how we react. So which one are you going to be? Are you going to get soft, are you going to grow hard, or are you going to use the adversity you face to make something flavorful and pleaseing in your life?"

    I have been off the board for awhile. As some of you know I left my long time girlfriend of 6 years (often referred to as my wife) and things have been pretty tough in some ways.

    I just thought I would let everyone know that I am out making coffee and will be back real soon.

    Hopefully this can help some of the others who are facing adversity right now too.



  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Exoneration. . .
    Too bad coffee is unhealthy. Why ignore the obvious. We're all going to die, regardless of how flavorful we make our lives. Get hard, then adversity becomes nullified.

  3. #3
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    I disagree, the water raped those beans for their caffiene.

    Kinda like if the water was a drug addict, and the beans the dealer, the water came right in and robbed that mfkr.

    haha no good post though I actually heard this same story a while back when I WAS going through adversity, and its still a nice read today.

  4. #4
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    Bo I knew I could count on you to shed some light on this!

    Sizerp, well said friend well said.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by sizerp View Post
    Too bad coffee is unhealthy. Why ignore the obvious. We're all going to die, regardless of how flavorful we make our lives. Get hard, then adversity becomes nullified.
    Nuff said

  6. #6
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    I would have thrown the hot water into her face and went out for a beer

  7. #7
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    DAMN you guys are harsh. I was thinking of being a smart ass also but no need.

    Sorry to hear about the GF, break ups are NEVER fun and can hurt for a long time. I know my last one did. It was 1 1/2 years ago and I still feel it sometimes. It seems the better it was the harder it is to get over.

    Anyway, welcome back. Get back in the saddle so to speak and enjoy.

    You know they say the easiest way to get over a girl is to get on top of another one.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    DAMN you guys are harsh. I was thinking of being a smart ass also but no need.

    Sorry to hear about the GF, break ups are NEVER fun and can hurt for a long time. I know my last one did. It was 1 1/2 years ago and I still feel it sometimes. It seems the better it was the harder it is to get over.

    Anyway, welcome back. Get back in the saddle so to speak and enjoy.

    You know they say the easiest way to get over a girl is to get on top of another one.
    I think uh.. you might be in the wrong thread buddy lmao

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    I think uh.. you might be in the wrong thread buddy lmao
    I dont think so, read the bold.

    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    I recently heard someone tell the following story and it helped me out during this difficult time so thought I would share it.

    A young girl complains to her Mother that life has too much adversity for her it is unfair and she doesn't understand why it has to happen to her. She was depressed.

    Her Mother took out three pots and filled them with water.

    In the first she cut up raw carrots. The second one she put raw eggs in. The third she puts in coffee beans.

    She put all three on the stove and turned on the burners. After they boiled about 15 minutes she took them off. She put the boiled carrots on a plate, and then a boiled egg on the plate, and laddled out some coffee into a cup and put them in front of the young girl.

    "Ok, so what is your point Mother?"

    "The three substances were all put under the same adversity, boiling water. The Carrotts went in hard and crunchy, but came out soft and mushy. The eggs went in hard on the outside and runny on the inside, and came out hard on the inside and soft on the outside.

    But the coffee never changed at all. the beans are still the beans. The coffee changed the adversity and made it full of flavor and aroma.

    Honey, I guess what I am saying is that in life we will all have very simular adversity, the difference is going to be how we react. So which one are you going to be? Are you going to get soft, are you going to grow hard, or are you going to use the adversity you face to make something flavorful and pleaseing in your life?"

    I have been off the board for awhile. As some of you know I left my long time girlfriend of 6 years (often referred to as my wife) and things have been pretty tough in some ways.

    I just thought I would let everyone know that I am out making coffee and will be back real soon.

    Hopefully this can help some of the others who are facing adversity right now too.


    Maybe the rest of you guys didnt read the WHOLE message?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I dont think so, read the bold.

    Maybe the rest of you guys didnt read the WHOLE message?
    OMG thanks for pointing this out or I would have looked like the biggest a-hole.

    HD man my bad. I did stop a little after the end when the mother started to translated everything!
    But hang in there big guy we all know how smart and level headed you are to start looking at the positive and stop trying to control things (which is what people tend to do in situations like this). You lose control you find a need to gain more back.(even when you choose to leave someone)

    But I say just easy up on yourself and life and take a deep breath man. You'll be strong and do whats right we all trust that in you.


  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    OMG thanks for pointing this out or I would have looked like the biggest a-hole.

    HD man my bad. I did stop a little after the end when the mother started to translated everything!
    But hang in there big guy we all know how smart and level headed you are to start looking at the positive and stop trying to control things (which is what people tend to do in situations like this). You lose control you find a need to gain more back.(even when you choose to leave someone)

    But I say just easy up on yourself and life and take a deep breath man. You'll be strong and do whats right we all trust that in you.

    Not a problem, we all do it reading and skip things. Just helpin out another brother.

    we have your back (watch out for DSM) and dont be afraid to share or ask for advise.

  12. #12
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    Sorry about your girlfriend HD....

    nice post...

  13. #13
    i drank the coffee and ate the me terrible gas, but a great laxative non the less..see there is always a silver lining...

  14. #14
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  15. #15
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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbm View Post
    F*ck that, that is one of those dame Filipino house spiders. I saw one (didnt see the other 100 hiding) on top of the refrigerator when I reached for something and it jumped onto the wall.
    BTW I hate spiders.

  17. #17
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    i dont eat veggies.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    F*ck that, that is one of those dame Filipino house spiders. I saw one (didnt see the other 100 hiding) on top of the refrigerator when I reached for something and it jumped onto the wall.
    BTW I hate spiders.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbm View Post
    hahahaha, yeah funny to you. I have NO idea how I help my composure. I truly HATE spiders and usually jump a mile and then smash them. LOL Im pretty good at controlling my fear most of the time though but I sure feel it.

    Im not sure how I will get use to those HUGE buggers except have my house exterminated every couple months. LOL

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    hahahaha, yeah funny to you. I have NO idea how I help my composure. I truly HATE spiders and usually jump a mile and then smash them. LOL Im pretty good at controlling my fear most of the time though but I sure feel it.

    Im not sure how I will get use to those HUGE buggers except have my house exterminated every couple months. LOL
    you are scared even to small spiders?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbm View Post
    you are scared even to small spiders?
    Actually depending on the size the small ones scare me more for some reason. As a kid I use to have bad dreams about them. I think we had a lot in our house at one point.

    The bigger ones I think are neat but really dont like handling them but I can if I have to. Id rather smash them though. LOL

  22. #22
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    here! when i was a kid we play spider fights!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Actually depending on the size the small ones scare me more for some reason. As a kid I use to have bad dreams about them. I think we had a lot in our house at one point.

    The bigger ones I think are neat but really dont like handling them but I can if I have to. Id rather smash them though. LOL
    U are an Arachnophobe, go try and handle spiders. Maybe ull overcome the fear. I also dont like them, but i dont mind them.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    U are an Arachnophobe, go try and handle spiders. Maybe ull overcome the fear. I also dont like them, but i dont mind them.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    U are an Arachnophobe, go try and handle spiders. Maybe ull overcome the fear. I also dont like them, but i dont mind them.
    I have over come it but I still dont like them. I have held torantuals, we even had one for 3 years because my 8yr old daughter wanted one. We have a little house/wolf spider in a jar on my coffee table now that she caught inside recently.

    Its like some people dont like snakes. I have a python. I would rather have a snake than a dog or cat LOL

  26. #26
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    really? snake?

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbm View Post
    really? snake?
    See, it's either one or the other people have a fear of. I have NO fear of snakes. I dont care if it's a little garden snake or a 20 ft python. I have my first python for 17 years and just got a new one last Christmas my daughter gave me.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    See, it's either one or the other people have a fear of. I have NO fear of snakes. I dont care if it's a little garden snake or a 20 ft python. I have my first python for 17 years and just got a new one last Christmas my daughter gave me.
    I'm afraid of my wife!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbm View Post
    I'm afraid of my wife!
    Smart man. Keep on eye out for missing kitchen knives and see if they are hidden under the pillows or edge of the bed.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Smart man. Keep on eye out for missing kitchen knives and see if they are hidden under the pillows or edge of the bed.
    I always put the gun under my pillow....................

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Actually depending on the size the small ones scare me more for some reason. As a kid I use to have bad dreams about them. I think we had a lot in our house at one point.

    The bigger ones I think are neat but really dont like handling them but I can if I have to. Id rather smash them though. LOL
    I don't like spiders either. The problem is, you can't see their eye's/ face. You cant tell what they are about to do. Most other animals you can. You can tell when a snake is about to strike. Spiders make their move without warning.

    Talk to you soon HD. Till then, stay bhd!

  32. #32
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    Great post Bro

    Hope you feel better soon

  33. #33
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    Aw shucks soem of you guys came in and ruined the thread with all your support and shit! I was kinda of looking for some abuse on this one! j/k

    BTW, with regards to the spiders and snakes and that kind of crap I usually go throught two moement whan I see either one, a physilcal movement and a bowel movement...I shit and run!


  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by CBGB View Post
    I don't like spiders either. The problem is, you can't see their eye's/ face. You cant tell what they are about to do. Most other animals you can. You can tell when a snake is about to strike. Spiders make their move without warning.

    Talk to you soon HD. Till then, stay bhd!

    I can't remember if you are calling tonight or when but go ahead and bring it. Lets get it on the road bro. I am about all settled into the new place and feeling much more relaxed. My daughter is enjoying the pool.

    BTW, the get on the new one comment above is th best way to get over the old one...Well it is working! MMAGirl is my g/f right now, chaeck out her thread for pics. If you guys are real nice I may put up some good ones....

  35. #35
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    What's adversity

  36. #36
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    You meant reversity didn't you DSM?

  37. #37
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