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I recently heard someone tell the following story and it helped me out during this difficult time so thought I would share it.
A young girl complains to her Mother that life has too much adversity for her it is unfair and she doesn't understand why it has to happen to her. She was depressed.
Her Mother took out three pots and filled them with water.
In the first she cut up raw carrots. The second one she put raw eggs in. The third she puts in coffee beans.
She put all three on the stove and turned on the burners. After they boiled about 15 minutes she took them off. She put the boiled carrots on a plate, and then a boiled egg on the plate, and laddled out some coffee into a cup and put them in front of the young girl.
"Ok, so what is your point Mother?"
"The three substances were all put under the same adversity, boiling water. The Carrotts went in hard and crunchy, but came out soft and mushy. The eggs went in hard on the outside and runny on the inside, and came out hard on the inside and soft on the outside.
But the coffee never changed at all. the beans are still the beans. The coffee changed the adversity and made it full of flavor and aroma.
Honey, I guess what I am saying is that in life we will all have very simular adversity, the difference is going to be how we react. So which one are you going to be? Are you going to get soft, are you going to grow hard, or are you going to use the adversity you face to make something flavorful and pleaseing in your life?"
I have been off the board for awhile. As some of you know I left my long time girlfriend of 6 years (often referred to as my wife) and things have been pretty tough in some ways.
I just thought I would let everyone know that I am out making coffee and will be back real soon.
Hopefully this can help some of the others who are facing adversity right now too.