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Thread: is there such thing......

  1. #1
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    is there such thing......

    what are your opinions on dangerous dogs?

    Is there really a such thing? or do you think its all down to the owners, wether they give it a good upbringing?

    just wondering as i am thinking of geting a staffordshire bull terrier (english), the prob is theres young kids everywere all over where i live, and its like dog central, so im wondering if i should have a dog in such an area.....anyone have one?

  2. #2
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    Some breed of dogs are bred specifically for their aggressive tendencies. The debate whether its nature vs nurture which dictates behavior is up in the air with domesticated dogs.

    I personally would not want to find out which is true. I do not think I would buy a dog like a pitbull or another aggressive breed if kids were around. I know some will swear how good their pitbull is with kids and all. I have never heard of a lab getting lose and rampaging a neighborhood. Just My Opinion though.
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 09-07-2009 at 03:45 PM.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

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  3. #3
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    I dont have one of those, but I have owned apbt's my whole life and the staffie is the english version of that, used for fighting (but not for some time).. in my opinion they are great with people/children, might have abit trouble with other dogs on the other hand, that was always my problem. People would always say how nice my dogs were but I have had my dog jump out of a moving car for another dog!!Be responsible and introduce it to other dogs from a young age to let it know that it needs to be friends with them or you might have a missle on a leash!! Oh and if you can see about meeting the parents of the puppy you will purchase to make your they are well tooken care of and not crazy insane animals themselves. Hope that helped

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigrich4 View Post
    I dont have one of those, but I have owned apbt's my whole life and the staffie is the english version of that, used for fighting (but not for some time).. in my opinion they are great with people/children, might have abit trouble with other dogs on the other hand, that was always my problem. People would always say how nice my dogs were but I have had my dog jump out of a moving car for another dog!!Be responsible and introduce it to other dogs from a young age to let it know that it needs to be friends with them or you might have a missle on a leash!! Oh and if you can see about meeting the parents of the puppy you will purchase to make your they are well tooken care of and not crazy insane animals themselves. Hope that helped
    good info .... ye iv heard mainly its the prob with other dogs

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Some dogs are bred specifically for their aggressive tendencies. The debate whether its nature vs nurture which dictates behavior is up in the air with domesticated dogs.

    I personally would not want to find out which is true. I do not think I would buy a dog like a pitbull or another aggressive breed if kids were around. I know some will swear how good their pitbull is with kids and all. I have never heard of a lab getting lose and rampaging a neighborhood. Just My Opinion though.
    you said it yourself, some "dogs" not breed of dog, people that think this have never owned a pitbull and have just been brain washed by the media. I have never heard of a pitbull "rampaging" a neighborhood either, allthough that would be crazy to look out my window and see an insane pitbull flipping cars over and eating children
    On another acount, pitbulls has always been the face of evil, they look the part I admit that. When a pitbull bites someone (or even a dog that looks like a pitbull but isnt one) it will make the news, but there are far more dog attacks on humans by other breeds...the reason, because they are stronger so they inflict more damage. Its like if somebody gets shot with a machine gun, that will make the news, but on the other hand if someone throws a rock at someone that mostly likely wont make the news, but it happens alot more. Sorry musclesci if I came off rude to you but I love the breed and have never owned a bad one, I have seen some very irresponsible owners, and I am opposed to them owning such a fine animal.

  6. #6
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    i love the look of more small stocky dogs, cant stand the skinny tall sort

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigrich4 View Post
    you said it yourself, some "dogs" not breed of dog, people that think this have never owned a pitbull and have just been brain washed by the media. I have never heard of a pitbull "rampaging" a neighborhood either, allthough that would be crazy to look out my window and see an insane pitbull flipping cars over and eating children
    On another acount, pitbulls has always been the face of evil, they look the part I admit that. When a pitbull bites someone (or even a dog that looks like a pitbull but isnt one) it will make the news, but there are far more dog attacks on humans by other breeds...the reason, because they are stronger so they inflict more damage. Its like if somebody gets shot with a machine gun, that will make the news, but on the other hand if someone throws a rock at someone that mostly likely wont make the news, but it happens alot more. Sorry musclesci if I came off rude to you but I love the breed and have never owned a bad one, I have seen some very irresponsible owners, and I am opposed to them owning such a fine animal.
    Sorry I meant breed of dogs, I will edit it.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  8. #8
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    yeah, I think the best thing about the breed is the un uniform look about them, so many different shapes , sizes and colors. Not to mention there devotion and love for there owners. Heres a picture of my vicious killer and one of my best friends son....

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigrich4 View Post
    yeah, I think the best thing about the breed is the un uniform look about them, so many different shapes , sizes and colors. Not to mention there devotion and love for there owners. Heres a picture of my vicious killer and one of my best friends son....

    what a that an american pit?
    great looking dog mate

  10. #10
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    Thank you, yes he is an american pitbull. He's 6 now. He's a good dog, pretty wild and very strong. Not as big as he looks though, maybe 60 lbs?

  11. #11
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    I hated my past neighbor for having pit bulls . Always had a couple at his house. Breed them .
    Non the less he took care of them and kept them in line . If one got loose . you could coax him home safely .
    Moved to a new house . Neighbor has a lab mix . Omg ! don't get near the fence , he will try to jump up and bite you .
    I believe the care taker makes the behavior of the pet . Would have never thought this if I didnt experience it .

  12. #12
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    i would have thought a little more than 60lbs, how tall is it roughly?

  13. #13
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    around 2 ft at the shoulders give or take a few inches. The staffs that you like are much smaller, around 35-40 lbs. but shorter and alot stockier, and they dont come in red lol. I'm pretty sure with them its mostly brindle, white or a mixture of brindle and white, or black and black and white

  14. #14
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    yup, you can also get blue and chocolate similar color to yours. i prefere the blue ones myself. i think these dogs are seen bad because of all the little street mupits are starting to walk around with them, thinkin they make them look tough ....if theses dogs arent aggresive why was the american pit baned in england, surley they must have had reason to ban

  15. #15
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    I'm not sure why they were banned, I didnt even know they were. My guess would be dog fighting though, out here they have tried to outlaw them alot and even wont let you own them in alot of places if you rent a house. Most of the time they euthanize them on the spot when they pick them up too, rather then adopt them out. Its sad, but like you said, its the bad people owning them thinking it makes them look tough and they do dumb things with them.

  16. #16
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    My pershonal oppinion is if you dont have a couple acres for the dog to run on you should NOT have a dog period. Most of my neighbors have them and I have at one time or another contemplated shooting them (the dogs) due to annoyance. One has a little yappy dog who barks EVERY TIME I step out my back door. He WILL be shot soon at least with my BB gun.

  17. #17
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    A family member of mine used to breed pits. His pits were the best behaved dogs. But these dogs were originally breed for there strength and aggressiveness. You can tame then=m to an extent but an accident can still happen now matter how well you train them.

    Something to remember if you live where there are alot of children. This is why my family does not have one.

    Not worried about my kids but the other kids that will walk right in the front door. Or go out into my back your. The pit would protect his owners home.

  18. #18
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    I have had Pitts my whole life, and it all depends on the Dogs owner how they will react, If u want to have an aggressive nature'd dog, then u will use a very aggressive approach to bringing them up, make no mistake, if a dog feels that u are intruding and he feels threatend then he will stand his ground.
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    Last edited by *El Diablo*; 09-08-2009 at 01:21 AM.

  19. #19
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    Only problem the most friendly pit bull or any other dog bread for fighting can turn on your kid or more than likely some other kid in an instant thinking they are protecting someone.

    sorry but you see it on TV all the time. I swore when my daughter was little if ANYONE's dog especially at pit or whatever mauled my daughter i would first shoot the dog dead no questions asked and then probably the owner for being so stupid.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Only problem the most friendly pit bull or any other dog bread for fighting can turn on your kid or more than likely some other kid in an instant thinking they are protecting someone.

    sorry but you see it on TV all the time. I swore when my daughter was little if ANYONE's dog especially at pit or whatever mauled my daughter i would first shoot the dog dead no questions asked and then probably the owner for being so stupid.
    NOT.. When it comes to Pitbulls, the BEAST is often the TWO legged animal at the other end of the leash. I agree with you, if a dog mauls your daughter, then shoot the owner. I attend Pitbull shows atleast 2x a month where there are hundreds of children playing with pitts, no problem whatsover.
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  21. #21
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    There are dangerous people, not dangerous dogs.

    Some dogs can be more prone to flipping out then others and it's a shame the Pitbull gets so much bad press. The reason for that is often the wrong people will get this dog. Usually its for their bullshit image, to make themselves look tougher. And when a dog like a pitbull falls into the hands of dickheads like that, with a certain mindset, then you are going to be asking for trouble.

    Alsations, Rotties and even Labradors have been known to attack people. You have to remember though that people will sadly provoke these animals as well. Like when you hear of kids being attacked, I sometimes wonder if its because that kid hasnt be taught how to respect animals and is there prodding the dog or pulling its tail. I mean if you pull the tail of a dog long enough and hard enough, it's going to get pissed off eventually.

    Dogs are fine. It's people that aren't when it comes to dogs.

  22. #22
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    ^^^^Agree, One its the owner and two sometimes a lack in people understanding the dog. We all bite at times just when a dog does it it makes big news.

  23. #23
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    lol if i had pitbull id definetly pin him TREN then me and him could roid rage together

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by thai-lan View Post
    lol if i had pitbull id definetly pin him TREN then me and him could roid rage together
    He prefers Test C, he doesnt like the Tren Cough. lol

  25. #25
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    what about Test/Eq/Tren combo??

  26. #26
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    LOL, the Eq increases hes appetite slightly more than the Test C, and i am counting his calories

  27. #27
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    i wish i had a dog then i could get him on such a good diet that he would be the biggest and strongest bastar d ever.. Id be like " son what do you want for this meal? steak or tuna?? "

    man i wish i had one , it would be fuking cool

  28. #28
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    or siberian husky , tho this weather sucks for them

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by thai-lan View Post
    i wish i had a dog then i could get him on such a good diet that he would be the biggest and strongest bastar d ever.. Id be like " son what do you want for this meal? steak or tuna?? "

    man i wish i had one , it would be fuking cool
    He consumes as much as a small country. He only eats Steak, prefferably Fillet steak, coz thats all that i eat. And he doesnt really like Tuna. When i treat him i buy him salmon.

  30. #30
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    Siberian huskies are Pusssssssss naughty and they need a hell of a big yard to run and alot of attention. They need to be brushed atleast 3 times a week.

  31. #31
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    Wtf I wouldn't trust a naturally aggressive DOG with my child no matter how well-trained it is. That's just stupid.

  32. #32
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    The Only dangerous dogs I have ever seen have been owned by retards who have no idea how to handle a dog.I have seen rothwilers that were sweet as pie ( and yes they were male roths) and I have seen small dogs that acted possessed becaus the people,almost always older women, who owned them had NO control oveer them and let them run amok.I personaly grew up with 3 staffordshire bull terriers and they were the quietest dogs I ever met.I have an english bull terrier and when I walk him sh!tty little dogs try to start but he never starts on man nor beast.

  33. #33
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    I have a Renascence Bulldogge who looks intimidating, but is a huge baby.

    He's 22" tall and 84lbs with a head the size of a basketball.

    I don't think these dogs are any more apt to attack than any other dog is.

    You hear about the pitbulls, bulldogs and dobermans attacking people, because it's news.

    If a little guy attacks another guy, it's no big deal. But if Dorian Yates goes ape shit and attacks someone, it would be more interesting, and better news.

    A dog who is bred for security purpose, or protection, or fighting, if they are trained to attack, are going to inflict more damage than a golden retriever who is also trained the same way.

    A lot of the dogs who get a bad name, are targeted by owners for that purpose (AKA Micheal Vick) or a ghetto bastard who just wants a tuff dog.

    Roll through the slums and see how many pit/mixes you see compared to labs and hunting dogs.

    I took my dog to a professional trainer 5 days a week, 8 hours a day to be around other dogs and be trained for obedience. I was there 4 hours a day, 2 days a week to interact and learn the commands and make sure I AM TRAINED for him also.

    I live in a area with houses 10' apart, I have no fence and there are plenty of other dogs in the area. Everyone in the area knows my dog, he really never leaves the yard and goes next door expecting a treat every morning.
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  34. #34
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    That is Hugo also, not my boy. Hugo is my boys gramps, I don't have any photos uploaded of my boy yet, I have a great one of him laying in front of my kneeling 3 year old niece, him with a curious stare, her with a smile because he looks so funny with his big head and wrinkles.

  35. #35
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    I grew up in a small town with dogs running the neighborhood. On my paper route as a kid I was attacked by a German Shepard, Lab, Blue heeler, and a bunch of muts. It really boils down to the owner. I also owned Rotts and my best buddy that lived to 10 was the best dog ever. He was very gentle with our children. I will say that a person must observe a dogs temperment and know their animal no matter what. Some dogs are short tempered and if a kid comes running and jumping on them when they are asleep they might snap. Other dogs won't. It doesn't matter the breed so much though.

  36. #36
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    Saying pitbulls or any other dog is "dangerous" or "naturally aggressive" is just ignorant IMO. Can they be trained to be killers..... yes - Any dog can be trained to be nasty. Look at most of the dog's on cesar's show "the dog whisperer" - they're mostly little dog's or lab mixes or poodles. These dog's don't get noticed tho..... if a yorkie escapes and bites someone on the ankle..... it doesn't make the 5:00 news. That dog doesn't have the power to take someone down. When a pitbull or something else gets loose and bites someone..... holy crap..... the whole world knows in 10 minutes.

    If you bring your dog up to be nasty and aggressive..... he/she will be regardless of the breed. It's truely a shame when it happens and the owners ought to be shot IMO.

    Lets use "us" as an example..... are ALL steroid users "killers" and "muderers"? Look at Chris Benoit - he killed his familly and then himself..... therefore - everyone who uses steroids must be aggressive and prone to kill. It would be unfair to us for the media to get people to believe that wouldn't it? Same with pitbulls IMO.....

    Here's a pic of my baby killer

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  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    Some dogs are short tempered and if a kid comes running and jumping on them when they are asleep they might snap. Other dogs won't. It doesn't matter the breed so much though.
    100% correct......

    Before my sister moved she had a 4lb yorkie living at my parents house..... this dog would bite if you got near him when he was sleeping. Bit 5 people..... hated that thing. The pit however..... you could jump on him while he was sleeping.... take his food away while eating..... you name it.... he'd jus tlook at you like "WTF?"


  38. #38
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    great looking dog Hazard, I love the old school look of the classic brindle!

    p.s. pitbulls arent naturally aggresive, they just like to play hard and they are strong, dont mistake the two. They are the LEAST likely to turn on a person too

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigrich4 View Post
    great looking dog Hazard, I love the old school look of the classic brindle!

    p.s. pitbulls arent naturally aggresive, they just like to play hard and they are strong, dont mistake the two. They are the LEAST likely to turn on a person too
    Thanks..... yeah he's awesome. He's about 8 months or so in the pic..... I think he's about 60-65lbs and he is STRONG as hell.....


  40. #40
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