you said it yourself, some "dogs" not breed of dog, people that think this have never owned a pitbull and have just been brain washed by the media. I have never heard of a pitbull "rampaging" a neighborhood either, allthough that would be crazy to look out my window and see an insane pitbull flipping cars over and eating children
On another acount, pitbulls has always been the face of evil, they look the part I admit that. When a pitbull bites someone (or even a dog that looks like a pitbull but isnt one) it will make the news, but there are far more dog attacks on humans by other breeds...the reason, because they are stronger so they inflict more damage. Its like if somebody gets shot with a machine gun, that will make the news, but on the other hand if someone throws a rock at someone that mostly likely wont make the news, but it happens alot more. Sorry musclesci if I came off rude to you but I love the breed and have never owned a bad one, I have seen some very irresponsible owners, and I am opposed to them owning such a fine animal.