it will go on for a very long time.
Seriously GuyBrush????
This is a bodybuilding and steroid board for informational purposes. Not for personal entertainment to get a rise out of people.
Lets stick to the bodybuilding theme can we please...
They need to be on bulking diets so they can throw those stones a little harder....
The jews are being greedy bitches and refusing the Arabs their land entitlement and the US just stands by and lets it happen.
I don't care what your personal views are, but that is fvcked up, i think people put too much stock in races and shit, were all still human, we all still bleed the same and have the nearly the same DNA. So there should be no reason why the Jews won't let basically their brothers (Arabs) live amongst them. They have lived with each other for over 2,500 years.
Good to see you're rocking the old avi sizer!
Israel is just another US base in the Middle East. It would have never been there if it weren't for US support. I mean financially, militarily, politically, etc..
America should spend less money on Israel and more on healthcare imo.
the problem was caused by the american and brits goverments after the war . noone really wanted the jews so they made up a country called isreal . said oh look there is your promised land . never mind the people living on it we will move them for you
ohhh snapppp..![]()
It's one thing to hold peace talks and actually try to make progress and another thing to wage and illegitimate war based on lies from a neoconservative party.
The reason why the US has a bad rep around the world is because people like you really believe deep down inside whenever they go to war it is to bring about "change", "democracy", "freedom". Come on bro, no country would go to war just to have another country have a better lifestyle, everything is about money and power.
LOL open your eyes the Jews run this country, the most powerful lobbyists in Congress and the richest lobbyists in Congress are those associated with Israel and the Judaism.
I am an American, So to go along with my views on government that we should keep our damn nose out of other peoples lives .....
I don't care whos land it is or who has it.. let them worry about it.
Of course it's about power and money, what world do you live in. If it wasn't there would be no reason for it but most of the war situations WE dont just go over for NO reason, we just try to make it the right reason also but Yes it's also about making a profit out of it.
Do I agree with everything they do? NO. But I also hope for the best and we have proven over the past that we don't just conquer and rule either but try to help build a society even though it's not what everyone wants.
It sounds like you are a conspiracy theorist also. Remember, just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.
But IMO, the whole thing is a Muslim agenda to rid the world of the Jews. Israel was the Jews land first way back when (actually it was some other tribe's land but they are now long gone. The Jews are just have the longest running "land deed"), then someone conquered them, then someone conquered the first conquerors, etc... The Jews just took back what was theirs originally. It will continue to be a land of conquest until the end of time. Religious wars are centered around this little plot of dirt. I guess when you have 2 different groups that "know" that the land is theirs, then no one will ever give up trying to own their land. Whether it be through "peace talks" or violence. It's just a big, endless cycle. I do, however, think that America backing Israel is a good thing. When Obama finally cuts the ties with the Jews, America is in for rough times.
i don't have a horse in this race, nor am i a sympathizer of any kind, but have any of you (including you guybrush) heard of the USS Liberty?
Who really cares who was where first. WE (Humans) use to just conquer and rule. We do it more politically correct now but bottom line is there are a LOT more people than there use to be and we need to use more of the land so just because you where there first doesn't mean you should share or move over.
We need guide lines on IF you come here these are some of the rules you need to follow but also we need to more accepting and stop the racism or thinking of superiority.
As long as there are different races, there will be racism and the belief of superiority. You can't escape it.
Why would you ask me If "I'm one to start trouble"? What do you mean by that and why did you post it in Arabic? Kind of disturbing...
I think jesus will make everything better.
israeli forces attacked a us ship. officially by mistake, but officially i own a bridge in brooklyn.
The NRA... lol.
I read that WIKI about the Liberty. Crazy stuff no doubt but doesn't change my opinion. Conspiracy theories run rampant on any topic and Muslim/Jew issues are no different.
היהודים הם השליטה פתיל זה עכשיו
The biggest problem is most people can't form a very good opinion because they only know what they feel is enough on the subject. People who know a little bit of information on something are more dangerous then people who know nothing.
muslims are taught how to think from birth how to think on the issue
as are jews
Another thread that boils down to Islam vs Christianity and Judaism.
If any religion allows the persecution of the people of different faiths, if any religion keeps women in slavery, if any religion keeps people in ignorance, then I can't accept that religion.
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