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Thread: what steroids are ok to be on when stepping on stage

  1. #1

    what steroids are ok to be on when stepping on stage

    im gettin ready for a competition for next novemeber so i have about 14 months to get ready. what kinds of compounds should i avoid being on weeks prior to the show and on the competition day itself.

    im assuming anything with water retention like high doses of test, deca, dbol, anadrol.

    what can i run straight through till the comp day?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Nightmares of bad kids
    I would say oral drugs like anavar or winstrol, but wait for fireguy, who's really expert in competitions.

  3. #3
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Mike XXL would probably be the guy to listen to more so than me on this one. My precontest knowledge is much more versed towards water/carb/sodium manipulation. Usually DHT derivatives are the only thing ran close to showtime and even those have different stopping times. I think you will find opinions vary.

  4. #4
    I heard around 2 weeks out, any aromatizable AAS are cut out (even test) and just a DHT compound like masteron or winny is ran up to the show. Don't how true that is tho.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Limassol. Cyprus
    i run anavar and test suspension till comp date but i als run arimedex in the mornings and 10mg nolva in the nite.. i guess if u r still skeptical.. run lower 1/2 dosage test suspension but believe me u will be dry water retention due to diet etc thats another question

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    GH 14 days out
    Oil based 14 days out
    Injectible (water suspenssion) 7 days out
    Clen 1 week out (loweres insulin sensitivity)
    T-3 low dose ok (12.5-25mcg, T-4 would be 4 times that amount)
    Oral ok all the way though.
    Those are my recomendations.

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