Hello, I have been researching hgh and anabolics. I am very new to this and have never cycled anything before and would really appreciate some help. I am 43 in decent shape and eat fairly well. I am in the gym 4-5 times a week lifting with at least 30min. of cardio as well each workout day. My goal is to build mass and bulk up about 15-20lbs . I am 5'10" 186lbs. I am getting some hgh today underground and read that I should stack it with 500mg Test. and T3.
My question in what dosage of hgh, frequency and how long should I cycle all 3 listed above? Also what kind of Test and where do I get it? I think I saw I could buy T3 online. Any and all help is completely appreciated!!! thanks
Below is the reply I received from a post off another website. Any input as to its validity would also be appreciated. Thanks again for your help
"Ok be very carefull you are about to slide down a slippery slope!
gh is great especially for someone our age.
To build mass the best is to go 3 x week 10IU's intramuscular immediately post workout. However as this is your first time I would say 4IU's per day (2IU in the am, 2IU post workout) subq (in the belley) with a 31 guage insulin pin.
There is no reason to take 500mg of test/week. If I were you I would start low. I had never run test before either and I started the gh and went with prop as I wanted to stay dry.
If you run prop you can run 50mg ED (every day)or 100mg EOD (every other day) That will give you nice gains and you will be very happy.
Also, I wouldn't run T-3, I take armour thyroid better on the body.
Run the gh for 2 months than add the test and run both for 8-10 weeks then go with PCT. Also may want to add some proviron (25mg AM and 25mg PM) so you don't get estro problems. Or have an AI on hand to combat the unknown!"